Thursday, 12 September 2024

What would suit persons lived very much indoors

 I have lately wondered, do some people in the Lappland, the Swedish for example, live a very house oriented life emphasizing indoors, somewhat like one would imagine people living on an ice desert research station (a square box, very much insulated and windproof, maybe sheltered also by some wind-proof fabric at a tilted angle on the wind-side, somehow anchored in a place upon the ice, but it warm warm inside, warm noodle soup at least available and several or a few people, maybe even family members)? Such is not at all as wise as understanding the value of nature too. So they should move to really much warmer climates. But if they are used to mainly build things, would they value for example is it Centeal Asian fine boulewards of the style of Sovjet Union? Here is the anthem of Sovjet Union that I found, when tiried to find pictures of such boulewards, 


Of an animal, maybe of humans too, who have lived much too much indoors, in what seems to have been a much too harsh climate. If they would like to move to live somewhere where the nature and climate suit them, but they do not know where, they shoukd each in turn imagine what such a natural nature environment would be like for them, and try with others find out what kinds of nature would there be around for each: would there be also trees, which kibds of species, do they have some style or atmisphere which woukd tell of the climate zone where the nature is such, and is there any way of wandering, ways of living aimed at, values or the like, which would tell which kinds of places are possible countries to live in. Then jyst that animal, for example an Alaskan bear, move to live there, for example to Slovakia. 

 This is Espoo in southern Finland, in the autumn in September one and a half weeks before the day and night are equally long, so the day is shortening geadually until a luttle bit before Christmas the day in principle starts lenghtening, but it isn't noticed in daylenght before e few days of the next year, even though the atmosphere of life changes according to the seasons. 

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Christmas stories for an ice desert research station: 




I just wonder, my mention of the beauty of when the sniw melts in the spring thinking of the whole year's weathers and nature, and so kniwing in what kibd of climate one wants to live. Thst mention brought to my mibd a picture of a large scenic window on some building in the southern sude of some hill in northern Alaska, with a scenic view on an icy bay, kind of serene, lonely, utter beauty. I jyst wondered is it tourism, research or army, or some ship's view. But woukd it help the work if such were the views from a nuclear power station? Coukd such have a window? 


Weather reports plus sea weather in Finnish, 

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Continued at the next blog

 The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog