Friday 6 September 2024

Locals too need their culture's Christmas gnomes etc texts

 Engineers especially when there were no user-friendliness features, tended to destroy much of the wisdom around. Likewise nowadays many are interested in foreign cultures. So even locals lack wisdom of how to live a good life according to the local traditional culture's ways. Foreigners and some groups like care professilnals maybe read about Christmas gnomes etc, I do not know about what, to learn nice ways of living. So they maybe look nice, but licals not, and so all guess foreign cultures being somehow better for living around here, and so all get some influencies from foreign ways not duited here, and nobody folliws the local ways, since the locals do not have knowledge of and access to such books, texts, etc. For example some foreigners here get lots of advices in weather skills, but not locals. My guess is that there coukd be more likelily a million of such books, booklets or texts in Finland than the almost none about wisdom of life, traditional ways in the modern world, etc. I think I have maybe seen kn my whole life mentioned somewhere 10-20 books related to gnomes, instead of the millions of gnome stories already schools woukd have produced, not to mention those asked for from the older generatilns. The libraries say they get lots of boojs from authors but just give them away from library use. So why are there no such books available for locals? The authors thpught the books very much needed. It is a big job to write a book. And it costs a lot to be without work and even buy one's book from print-on-demand. Why is such lifetime's work not preserved in the local culture? Is there any future left? And how can the locals survive, if there is no friendly enough info to them too? 

Many who commit crimes because of being overly much oriented toward some foreign cultures, are people born and raised as locals, gone to school etc, but seem to lack local sources of the wisdom of life of how to live in a society, and how to live in the modern world. Is it also because such a lack they never moved to those cultures somewhere abroad, at least not successfully. Are they too criminal in goals? Doesn't thst mean that there ought to be suitable wisdom of lufe, or basic skills of finding one's own place in the world and of being able to live there ok, behaving ok for the rest of the world too. Why is there no such info for locals? 


My books do not classify as tales or fiction, except the two booklets of poetry that I translated. Most of my books or many I have classified to the group "Self-help: happiness". 

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If you like my texts, please recommend them according to what is for good in the world

 I have the imoression that many read these texts of mine without really understanding that they are teaching material meant to be read out ...