Sunday 1 September 2024

Softer ways via following fully the basic civiliced wisdom

 Softer life or softer social ways, kind of more comfortable for oneself and others around, are not a question of needing to resort to some weird arrangements or emergency means like religion for example. Softer life usually demands warm enough clothes, plus following civiliced values and basic common sense, plus folliwing what is cobsidered wise in ways of livibg, trying to be hobest and use both wisdom and common sense in such. The basic civiluced values inclyde at least wishing well for the world and being fair in that. One must also be honest in estimating what is what. Like someone cultivating something by one's skills, values and ways of living, is different from pretending to be such a person or just mentioning such an area of life in a conversation. And one must not quit wishing well in the world if one is in a social situation or affects some person related to some childhood competitor of oneself or some persln liking different professions or somehiw classifying to another profession's skills and values. Just use common sense and be fair and honest enough. Wisdom about ways of living and of values, basic skills etc should be followed all the time, without erring badly away from such even momentarily. 

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