Friday 6 September 2024

Ways of doing are important

 The reason why it is good to do work in Christmas gnome like ways, is that it is good to be motivated, do something that one likes, and to have good wise ways of doing and wise healthy ways of life. So one reaches good quality in questions of skills, and may have a beneficial effect on one's own life kn the llng run, and be so a good inflyence to others too. 

Living in an arts oriented town was interesting, fine to learn about arts as professions. But I was disappointed at what I learned. Arts has been for me a way to reach for better lufe and higher skills that would make lufe happier for me and for others too. But arts as work are often for the masses, so there comes the need to do thibgs in product manufacturing ways, which have to suit very many people without being annoyingly much of a certain person's style, and so things like suiting the occasion and tuning yo each kind of thing and enjoying the moment often drop away, and that seems to be a goal for many. So instead of making some indightful individual piece of art, one is more like the upkeeper of a plarform for others to have dreams about making art themselves, etc. Like tv fir example is maybe oftrn for giving many a chance to do these things, learn them Nd do on their own. So it is not any personal expression of the ones keeping the platform, more lije room for the ypung to develop. 

But anyway, since working life is often a major phace of life, such life too ought to be good, fully lived, even if it is in arts or in an arts oriented way and without so much wage if at all. So maybe for clmmunicatiln about skills related to styles etc, writkng shoukd be recommenddd, so that you need not give up your strenghrs and end up kn somebody else's type of professiln, without ever really living. 

For living, the basic framework of how to luve in an ok way kn a society abd in the world should be ok easy, backed up by common sense, wisdom of life and civiliced values, a good enough undersranding. One also needs to understand tgat what one does in human relatilnships, human contacts, childhood relationships, etc are all parts of the world, and should ve guided by tge ordinary basic picture of tge world, for example: be fair, use common sense, aim for the good of the world, be honest enough for this to work, etc. 

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