Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Of softening collisions in a tourist town

 When I lived kn Savonlinna, which was an arts oriented countryside town with lots of tourists, in the same house lived a slmewhat fat nice kind of arts oriented man from maybe Pakistan, Greece or some such southern area, and his name was slmething lije "lost nose because of math", and he seemed to have some dangerous but nice pet animal and visitors from maybe Poland or maybe female mathematicians. So he was kind of a bridge between tech or math and the fine arts, countryside, tourism, meeting fascinating elderly people and different cultures, also local lufe and religiln maybe. And when he no longer lived there, it that the reason why there came some people kibd of critical toward such ways of livkng or art or elderly's skill level, and at some point I too was forced to move away, even tjough I had liked living there a lot. 

So maybe such bridges are needed in tourist places. Without enough communucatiln and teaching the newcomers, there is no point in living in a small specialised place in another country. 

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Continued at the next blog

 The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog