Tuesday 3 September 2024

Fine video of dogs with ball

 I found a video of dogs with a ball, https://m.youtube.com/shorts/goB7lwFEAl8 , and guess what, my dogs were mostly like the second dog, even though the first dog in my childhood family, a black poodle, developed towards more sporty via age. Yet poodle is in Finnish "villakoira", mwankng wool dog, while "villikoira" would mean a wild dog. And Finland is a climate where sportiness is goid for staying warm and for happiness too at least for many. Poodles are known of running happily in circles on a lawn. 


4th of September 2024   Also the not-so-motivated can learn skills, sometimes really finely, but it is not at all sure that they will use such skills, knowledge and experiences to right purpises, especially not necessarily always follow civiliced values, not even avoid aiming at the opposite direction. 

But momentary motivation does affect the ability to learn, see my blogs WorkandFreeTime.BlogSpot.com and WorkandFeelings.BlogSpot.com .

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