Saturday 7 September 2024

Of the Lapplandish wigwam type of "kota" tent lived in


 In the news there was a computer-made i.e. artificial intelligence made animation of a Lapplandish tent . But the "kota" tent in it was not of the traditional type of the Finnish Lappland. And the people were hoyse oriented, when my view of traditional life us that people were oriented toward outdoors activities, just resting a little, getting warm, doing chores, talking to understand the world better, and when there is some time a pause, nothing special, just go outdoors, enjoy the sight of the varying weather, snow on branches, new snow falling slightly from the sides of the path to the hard snow bottom of the path, seeing if there are any chores, for example going skiing to the snowy forest nature with kids. 

The kota tent in the animation was of flat pieces of wood, placed horizontally in a kind of wigwam like shape. But the traditional kota tent homes have been of raindeer skin, was it fur outwards? And generally the sights of nature offer enjoable complexity after math or engineering math like studies, instead of being somehow work like tasks to bear through.  

In the animation there was a big piece of meat being fried on a fire in the middle of the tent. As far as I kniw such is for tourists or new feature, while in the old times people ate less and not so heavily, but instead tried to be wise. It is people travelling who need more food because of lots of new things to experience, or people who do things in unwise ways so that such is a burden they try to compensate by eating a lot and heavily. But kn the old times the fascination of life kn the Lappland was at least for some to do things in wise ways. So people did tjings in good quality wuse ways, kn nice forms that supported skills at large and rhythmed life and tasks and shared labour so that it was pleasant for each, motkvated, fascinating, giving rise for new nice things to do, while some of the old tasks got transferred to others with a liking toward such and a professional inclination's talents and skills and to those who wanted to learn such. 

Bearing cold demands that indoors one gets thoroughly warm, but not in habitual ways only but instesd like feels right and wise for the situation. Like warm indoors is often enough, and clean completely dry clothes. At least kn southern Finland in the modern homes it helps if one remives shoes when coming in, and places them of dry room warmth, and has warm woolen socks indoors. And ventilating room quickly dry if the air feels moist and cool or moist and cold. And only momentary ir to recover from having gotten cold, would one use a clean dry warm woolen blanket or other very warm blankets. In ventikating it is considered important that the ventilation air would come from window height instead of frlm floor height, so it gets warmer on the way. 

Either the people in the old timds had a quite ordinary log house, and spent only some time at the kota tent, to admure the beauty of nature, to do some traditilnal chores, to enjoy some moments of peace of quiet without dropping the snow from branches, not much if possible to avoid, so jyst a quiet moment of one's own. Beautiful like a pistcard, and who liked such, maybe ended up spending several days so, days in varying enjoyable weathers' sights etc experiences, learning such skills because of being interested in such, having a liking toward such, and so over long periods of time learning lots of weather skills etc. But likewise one may choose some other climate and place, it's beauty like Greece for example or the Central Europe. 


8th of September 2024   Quite in the beginning of the book "Finnish Elves for All Seasons" by Kirsti Manninen & Aki Paavola, there is this page, and the style (especially "guardian spirits") of the text maybe explains why Finnish gnomes or elves interest abroad, but how can things be so also elsewhere, maybe gets best explained by my above text from yesterday. After square environment/math or the like, the multitude of forms and structures and the flourishing life of the nature, seem wise, meaningful and good for life, and so one is motivated to support such. And if those humans and animals living on some area have chosen the place because they like and it suits them and they suit such a place, maybe each of them tries in one's own ways also safeguard such a place. 

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