Monday 16 September 2024

To stomach pains helps music and nature elements at home

 To stomach pains helps often to listen to beautiful music of goid quality lije is recommended, when one likes such music, nice music is the point. 

In additiln home and the indoors environment shoukd be nice for living: nice curtains, a nice colour carpet, maybe flowers on a window, music from the radio, and nice furniture. But it is not enough that one oneself feels well. Also the öossible muce, other animals and people in one's lufe circles need to feel comfortable enough, even if they jydt get a glimpse of yoyr home. Animals need maybe some pets' dry grasses or that there is jyst in case some left over Christmas cookues biscuirs or the like available, also something soft nice warm to lue on, and prooably some nature decoratiln objects, even if they do not live there. And humans in the environment might need not overly square tables and other envuronment, dince such makes your understanding smaller and mire stuck and so that has kess wisdom and less wisdom of life. And smikarly a nice environment makes them too feeö better. 


If people generally at some time have stomach pains , it ought to help to be independent individuals, wish well for the world and to build one's life and life in the society of pieces according to the healthy natural ages old human and animals (plus plants') nature. 

One coukd also try my advice "As if of a naturally healthy family" at 

Like one knows of the different weathers, they each demand a different way of living, lijewise different thibgs fone, cultures, cgarscters, motivations, etc are reflected in the body, in ways of moving, in rythms connected with heat regulation and motivation, in blood circukation, in how the body hest is spread in lne's body, etc. If these go wrong, you feel ill and out of order. So it often is a reason for falling ill if you keep too much vomoany to others or if you copy too instincyually instead of via the intellect copy valyes, skills snd pieces of understanding. So in practice, as you maybe have near your own felt picture of your body some social imoressions of what others are doing, what sre thry like, how are thry living and what is the idea in that. For feeling well you have to keep those pictures separate, since often other persons are interested in other continents, other counyrues, climates  professions snd types of achievements. It helps to understand also something of those, but to be able to function ok yourself, you will have to notice what is for which envuronment ok and what is good for your own action now, good for this living environment. 

Of making home nice, it matters that you woukd live where you like the local attractions,  see 

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