Tuesday 17 September 2024

Of personal likings and insight

 In eastern Finland there is a county called Kainuu and in it a town called Kajaani. It used to have an impirtant Finnish cultural wisdom associated with it, but I guess that psycholigists or some peopke not folliwing Finnish values did not understand it, and so it got largely rukned and removed in practice. 

The question "Ooksä vähän kajahtunut?" means something like "Are you a little bit mistaken in being so enthusiastic about that kind of thing?", which is typically a question between family members or friends or pals, when one is enthusiastic about something which does not interest the others and which is often a quite narrow area of life like some profession for example. So it is and has been a way for people to find a dream job, a job that they would be suited to, by finding several such interesting hobbies that one could do endlessly, or very much anyway. So it demands allowing showing feelings also when doing something and allowing hobbies that one likes, and it demands wisdom of life from the environment too to see how such industrousness stays on nonharmful tracks in the society and in social relations. And across time the person finds other people interested in similar jobs, knowing what jobs such could be, but not all of them become jobs. But it also demands explaining why such things are nice in their own way, somewhat like endless curving paths with always new fine things found, well suited for an individual liking such. 

I guess the charm is something like having heard some music sung really fine, the imoression left strongly especially in some family members' minds and they maybe sometimes singing a part of such song, like fine to learn opera or whatever, but it is just certain types of music and certain performances, kind of at right times in people's lives that are such, and not the same to all. So the question is something like "Did you experience that thing as fine like a song sung out loud, just emotionally motivated fine at that moment, echoing from the cliffs around?" 

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