Wednesday 11 September 2024

Of those upon the Earth fighting against attackers orbiting the Earth

 One of the reasons for different countries wanting to conquer space, is the difficulty of getting rid of an opponent attacking from the space by nuclear weapons or by throwing asteroid like big stones causing similar damage. In this also having a base in the Earth's Moon is considered one of the basic threaths to guard against. 

So many want to take part in space travel, and so there are said to be thousands or much more satellites etc orbiting the Earth. 

Like it makes sense for different kinds of people to cooperate, with having safety precautions anyway against cheating and betrayals, likewise there are advantages for different countries and groups, even different types of beings to cooperate. Like one who has lived in a climate of the four seasons is likely to understand, some just like some areas and places, suit there much better than anywhere elsewhere, likewise even with cooperation the places and areas may keep much of their former good sides and typical features of life there. So it is possible for independent areas to cooperate. 

Likewise there are several areas of life, some of them spiritual, some social, some other profession's strenghts, some culture's wisdom of life, etc. So someone being in space does not mean him/her being totally outside the possibilities of those on the Earth to affect. 

The 9/11 Twin Towers attack in usa was in some video explained in a way that brought to mind space travel via teleportation like in StarTrek movies, maybe being based on the world being of spirit, being one explanation of what caused the attacks. 

In the news some time ago there was of some vice president candidate in usa being from Silicon Valley. I was worried of such, since when I studied (had been forced to study) theoretical physics and math in Finland in northern Europe, it was very difficult to get rid of directions toward a career in engineering, even though such did not suit me at all. So there were some, many forcing without listening to any rationality, without any eye for humans' thinking types, strenghts, motivation, etc. So now in my mind I asked from the Silicon Valley person did they nowadays, tens of years later listen to such grounds like objective mechanical type of work efficiency optimising and objective picture of the world like taught in school. But he said no, they did not have a picture of the world in that sense, they just developed technology in engineer like ways and had companies specialised to such. I said it is not ok to take part in world politics without having a picture of the world. He said how can you prevent us, he is already taking part in the politics and he is in a spaceship or was it a space station in the orbit around the Earth. I thought there must be other beings there too, so I said that even in building tech for space travel one must understand that one needs to have an objective picture of the world plus life experience, communication skills with different types of people, before it is ok to take part in ruling the world. So someone there shot him . A space mouse with a gun? 

 Afterwards it came to my mind as if in school tens of years ago someone had told me beforehand this happening, and once again I did not understand why my future would have been like picking some points to a container according to what some without good grounds had decided, and nothing much else? 

My booklets 

Paradise theory books 

It came to my mibd as if wished for tens of years ago to this context, to add this piece of text from my Christmas gnome skilks book: 

" I 46.   In the song Veteraanin iltahuuto  Evening call of veterans, there are the words "And the eatth snd the sky flamed fire" which is often interpreted as shooting, but the melody hives a much more bivid picture of a moment, with nsture around  when a young adult has found a right chord in living, so that what one does and how one sees the world go with wisdom of life thst touches feelings in a way thst is sporty anf senses open and allying with the society so that emotionsl motivation and bedt underdtanding join togrther with the eisfom of life of the environment sp that things grt cured to their right heslthy tracks by thst common effort and l7fe becomes good, wise and happy and active with healthy spirit, healthy ways of livibg and being fit to the civiliced society at the same time

The bews said that in Rauma children are suspected from having caused terrain fires. 

The looks of the fires with the pine trees, in the above screenshot's photo, brings to my mind rats in a space station, and makes me wonder how wonderful animals can be compared to humans even where there is not so good possibilities for floyrishing life. 

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