Friday 13 September 2024

What Santa can or cannot

 12th of September 2024   In ghe news was told of a shooting in Tampere in western Finland, but I did not understand from the video, which town it could have been. In the still picture of the video there stood a little bit Santa Claus like looking man, or is it Christmas gnome like? 

If Santa Claus isn't just a department store person, what is he? If one would imagine a Christmas gnome like person walking in town center, one would maybe try to live well in one's own way, a little bit like one who has found from one's own heart things that education often prefers, but one's own versions are one's insight and likings, one's view to the world, motivation and character type. So one wanders and is an example of a way of living a Christmas gnome like life. 

But what else is Santa? The still picture with the emergance vehicles near by reminds of many ill people going to Santa, or of many serioys shortcomings like of not being able to bear the wintef, not even to help the wild snimals etc around to bear the winter side of the year, and so one goes in and is depressed, maybe crues and wats something, maybe tries to make things nice by having Christmas. That sounds like not having weather skills, which may be a cobsequence of associating with the ill. But anyway it lacks the basic healthy ways of living. This difference is maybe what causes the school minimumlevel being narked too high to be allowed, which has been my typical problem, especially this century. 

Anyway, one can gelp wild animals by telling of other animals, asking tge animal to find out if any kinds of other wild aninals have good ideas of how to spend the wibter, are there different kibds of optiobs and whom they suit? Can one kearn weather skills of living the weathers in ways possible for obeself here, are some places different kn hiw to spend winter, how to luve, in which areas of lufe, like whom. And what are those winter exoeriences like, to which areas of lufe they belobg, us it healthy ways of livkng with the beauty of nature, or is it spiritual, in which ways and when, etc. 

Also many wishing for miracle healing come to Santa Claus Lands, and like often with successful miracle healing, quite many get healed but many of such get killed or wounded right afterwards, because such seems to still go unnoticed or not cared about, since people are not yet used to the new situatiln and there are lues and lacks in communication and after thinkkng of dying of serious illness the news of the same person having been killed kknd of produce not so big reaction emotionally, even if someone says that the person got miracle healed first. And some just think that such untrustworthiness does not exist, and some ggat the dead do not suffer, some think that peoole ought nit trust so much and some cannibals got a warm meal, whike like usual criminals having conquered some part of Santa Claus Land claiming to be Christmas gnomes create so much trouble for Santa Claus to keep an eye upon, that past happenings do not get so much time and attentiln. And so it goes even if Santa visits some town center, emergency vehicles all around, who kniws what happened? 


14th of September 2024   In the news there was pictures of emergency vehicles after someone stabbed in Helsinki on a long major street out of the town center, some time around midnight. Of such I haven't heard so many times if at all. But the vehickes remind me of the imoression of a fuss around singer education professionals: near by some music and fame connected quite oeaceful looking, but around people cunning to get a career in mysic for themselves or for someone they suppirt. I guess tgat is why the new music house in Helsinki is black in colour. On the other hand, what I have learned of arts, one cannot earn one's luving even partly so, except maybe in teaching music. And if one wants to make music for free, just because of liking mysic, there is the possibiluty to maje music to the internet, for example to , but for people to like the music, it maybe ought to be oerformed by their own group, for example by people liking the same prifessions. So I do nit quite undersrabd why there would ve so much comoetition. Besides, it is not beneficial to be in publucity if people dislike you and attack, or by some means or because big audience the performer us claimed to ve you but is some fake or some other nationality, some other type of oerson with other skilks, valyes, socisl ways, etc, or several such hapoen. So for one to get room in lufe, one ought to find en envuronment that obe fits in, instead of trying to dominate over the world like trying to get obeself heard or admired. 

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