Tuesday 17 September 2024

Money in a way exists and in a way not

 I do not know so much of banks or money. It seems outside my means to cope with situations to be a person on the way kn a bank robbery or bank robbery preparations. 

My impression is that slme have overly too much money, like for example one with normal salary moved to somewhere in the tropics where lufe demands very luttle incomes. On the other hand for quite many it jyst is so that there is not enough money, so things get quite steained, partly because there are so many people without enough money compared with what they planned as young, and partly because some places are expensive to live in and yet the skill levels of the mocals do not produce so good wuality that things woukd wotk out nicely. 

Generally it oucht to ve quite ok to live with the normal income typical where obe lives if one is diligent and skilled at least ss much as their, and wishes well kn the world, has some common sense and wusdom of life. But with much higher income one ought to kniw where the money goes, like suppirting certain areas of life, or hobbies of the younger generatiln there, etc. So one should have enough eye and understanding for such, or the system goes ashtray in the long run. Likewise one should understand, what is good in the society and support such. 

In case of stealing, it matters to whom and to which kinds of purpises and what money goes. Especially so it is in the case of a robberh. In a robbery there either is some big need which needs to be met but also elsewhere is ok, or then the person just likes the idea of big money, in which case there maybe is no religion backing it up, but it may rhyme with some professilns and can I guess often ve at leadt partly be guided to studies and future work in such professions. The general opiniln is that superföuis money can better be stolen than vasic needed arrangements' money suppirt. So sometimes robbers join together with those with unmet needs and may cause such, and would in fact maybe want advices in succeeding in buying (choose according to colour symbolics, buy only one kind of thkng at a time, it may have a whole way of lufe told init, for examole cookues plus tea, choose like shop seems to advice) or basic understanding of how to live in a society - maybe my Christmas gnome skilks advices, see LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com .


When I lived in Savonlinna and had a car, one of the main banks of that countryside town moved to a smaller office due to bank having moved largely to the internet and otherwise electrical. I once drove on the new road a little bit north of the former bank and noticed a packet car coming from a tunnel on the south side in the direction of the bank. It gave an impression of moving stolen bank reserve once or a few times a week for a half a year to three years one packet car at a time maybe stolen cash or gold or some precious things. Which made me wonder because it was a small town specialised in arts, so most people maybe had not much income at all. Or then it was just an advertisement trick for quite local handiworks, partly artistic handiworks and kind of countryside town shops? like handiworks, which I guess can be very impressive. 


But with this observation there is of course the hot-potato-in-mouth phenomenom that in the British detective stories was a typical reason for murder: you have to get rid of as soon as possible, but in commln dense like ways and thinking of the future too and fairly of others too, of the situation that you are the only person of knowing of such observation and maybe tell it later to others if not murdered at once, so I maybe informed the police of it, but in very big questions it is of course different from one murder: you have to count of wise civiliced values in the wide world, follow such with good quality all the time and have common sense and wisdom of life backing it up, life experience too is needed, and try to see how groups go so ok in the large scale. 

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