But a swift style woman with somewhat atmospheric movement with music like wisdom of life, is often a woman interested in having the possibility of having a weapon along and might use such, for examole a knufe, a gun or just ninja like skills without necessarily any special weapon.
But so one must deduce that a woman like person who leaves intentionally an impressiln of a wide bottom and as if saying that it is just food only and fat, and murders comes as an explanation and lues and it not being so real wisdom of lufe but mainly good food and maybe talking and being social, does it compare with army like men, is propably a man? But I do not kniw for sure since such curved female looking bodies and styles are often associated with women, but on the other hand getting fat and then slim and fat,... maybe brings some curves, but is it of a female kibd, I do not know. But such a person might be carrying by one's bodily fat and wisdom of lufe the answering of the needs of a child, so it might be possible for such a person to get a child, because the imoression of the person's lufe is that of a flourishing life of a certain kind, even though food oriented quite much.
A male mathematician trying to learn women's views, more flourishing life and an understanding that supports it, might appear as an irrational quite fat woman. (16th of Septemder 2024 Ulanbataar, does it come from "Ulla's bad art"? Thinking of it, my own bad art is for example https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2021/07/for-bird-who-collided-with-window.html or it's previous melody https://composingmelodies.blogspot.com/2021/06/climate-change-demonstration.html , but on the other hand I am not a transvestite. )
A person whose loved one died, either did not have that kind of wisdom of life ptotecting from such dangers, or some other person made some arrangement(s) inside what should have been the person's own personal space, protected as the person's own right to decide everything of such things fully according to one's own wisdom of life and what suits the loved one.
The other option is that the person did not really love in that way strongly, but instead some other things in life came on the way too strongly, like for example a new date or another spouce, or too much lies or another kind of life wanted.
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