Thursday 5 September 2024

The weathers and nature are mighty, humans not at all as wise

 It came to my mind when watching a music video of a Japanese song Sukiyaki, in which the singer kibd of looks up and attacks as if one were a criminal, and I did not understand why. And that has often veen ghe problem in my life, people attacking without me understanding why. But maybe he looks toward Europe and toward norther colder climate, and guesses the climate and nature, which affect how licals live here, to be knstead the impressiveness and aggressiln of humans around. But humans are somewhat lije stuck figures, often producing square kind of thoughts or some social spaces which often do not feel nice. The weathers on the other hand are kibd of like round large buffs of smoke, maybe like slmebody's idea of October wind varying direction and raining somatimes too. So the weathers feel tough but have a refreshing effect on life, and so it suits some tl live this far north. And the nature at large is very good for skills and wisdom of life, when one jyst admires the scenery and enjoys the weathers and the skills and cariation they bring. That is very different from attacking humans. 

I do not understand this kind of occult problems. The weathers and beautiful nature scenes I take near my feelings and my being, since it is good for me to luve so. But the humans are unwise. It is not good to get influencies from them, at least not much and not without personal power to decide how the influencies come and adjust them like one oneself wishes and sees as good. So I surely woukd not like attacks of other humans near me. And sl I do not understand what these problems are. Why shoukd I stay indoors lije peopke often do in Canada, if my weather skills for the weathers here in Finland are much better? Etc. 

6th of September 2024   The weathers are an impressive experience, likewise healthy wise life with wisdom of life. Songs just refer to such. They are not a reason to want influencies from singers, to admire singers, even though the musical sides of life often have wisdom, but life in practice has more sides than just one melody at a time. 

"Short melodies of snow 


Or as pictures here: 

My blog "Weather skills for all climates" 

See also my books/blogs "Of walking in beauty", "Wine like fascination in life", etc at .

I just want to live my life in my own ways, sheltered by the wise civiliced rules of the society, by people following civiliced values and common sense, honesty too. 

* * *

7th of September 2024   It came to my mind that people attacking me often goes via quite typical routes, and not like many would guess. I guess I usually get classified in very general terms like "objective thinking", which maybe gets transformed to referring to school, books or square, maybe also engineer style stupidity, and "according to positive feelings", which maybe gets trabsformed to referring to some mild reddish colour, or nonsense, or unobjective claims, and "music composer", which maybe gets teansfirmed to wise, abd tgat to for example a care professional or a mother or the others in the room claimed to be doing wisely.

So such is not the same as fully unconvincing looks. It is more like some lying outrageoysly when they think that the other person either suppirts their lues or does not notice such almist st all. 

So the problem often is defts or robberies of position, righrs, identity, etc. Kind of clsssifying the wrong persons as wise and good willing in the world, fair and honest. 

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