Sunday 15 September 2024

Of the cover picture of the book Tontun vuosi which started me writing

 I have lately felt that my texts no longer are good enough quality. So the latest book I would have not collected but somehow did so anyway. In the news there are pictures of floods, and I just sat watching them, until I realused that I ought to stop writing, and that thought seemed to open me toward life, yet I still do not get anything do, and do not get any idea of what would be possible for me. Anyway, so I have lately felt like putting my books away to some shelf, but have not quite caught the idea how it could be, since it seems a tpo big change in my life circumstancies. Anyway, what would be left in sight us the Finnish and English versions of the book Tontun buosi, which I read some 6 years ago, I wrote a comment about it to a blog of mine, and when I was it two to three weeks later translated it to English I got stuck to writing about skills making a Christmas gnome / elf like lufe possible in the midern world. 

But now the front cover pictyre of the books seems to interest some. As far as I know there is nothing new in it. It is jyst some puppets or some very ill persons by our climate's ordinary midern lufe's standard trying to communicate some ordinary cultural wisdom, but like tales it goes somewhat ashtray too. 

If the picture is from Finland, it is not fully winter, since there us no snow, the ground does not seem to be frozen and the air appears moist. Yet the figures in the picture have winter time kibd of clothes, kind of fluffy, best kept as clean and fully dry, meant for indoors use when it is under zero Celcius and the air us dry, the ways of keeping warm not so much against wind, like here seems outer windproof coats lacking. The shoes also are not ok. The ones of leather are too cold because there is too luttle space around the feet for woolen socks plus air around, and the leather is nit of airy soft kind but instead stiff greased. And the woolen socks like winter shoes are for clean dry snow only or only for ibdoors use, because the heat insulation of the bottom suffers from the ground making it dirty, and the woolen blanket like shoes or roubd socks do not bear friction. 
So the picture resembles summer cottage visit on too cold weather for a so long stay, and so they have put on all pissible warm clithes, even tjough those are not suited to these weathers and this season. Instead one would have needed wind-proof at least somewhat mousture-repellent loose airy coat, some warm shirt under it, but it must either bear mousture or if it has wool, then one must take care not to sweat at all, so one must take it away if needed and transport it witjout it getting wet or moust. And for shoes ordinary running shoes would maybe be good but are ofren very slipoery in bature at such times of the year. Generally summer cottage visits sre nit revommended between leaves falling and permanent snow, since such are very depressing for many, while the rest of the year is an uplufting experience for many who feel like wanting to soend time in the summer cottage. But I have not been on a summer cottage for 15 years, I just haven't had thst possibility. 
The picture seeks to teach how one for example can learn to experience the nature, teach children whst trees are like, etc, for example brush the branch with one's hand to lightly feel the surface. Or to step agilely on a short cyrving oath like the grandfsther shows. Or just experience that now I am here in the nature, im the ages old natural luving environment that I have longed for, and look around feel the shades of coloyr, atmispheres, textures and structures, weather and the lufe in this ages old living environment. 
Such clothes are most comfortable, nice and useful as clean and dry on a clean and dry floor & other indoors environment. Those are often not-so-good-looking warming layer of old clothes in addition to the ordinary ones, or a nice new woolen shirt or the like or quite new results of a handiwork hobby. 

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