Thursday 12 September 2024

Of the term "centralisation" in an aikido book

 As young adult when I practised aikido in the aikido club Seitokai of the University of Helsinki, I did not read many books about it, maybe only one: "Aikido and the dynamic sphere". In it was the term "centralization" which interested me, was nice to learn in the long run, kind of related to high skills like the Asian masters in oriental philosophy. Centralusation mean in practice in a sport like aikido, that one thinks of one's body also in terms of what is outer sphere and what neaarer the center of mass i.e. stomach area. So the mass is more unmoving in practice and the outer reaches of hands more sensitive and moving, and one thinjs of this from a kind of spherical theoretical sounding point of view but it is quite good. The kegs are mire heavy than hands, are part of the base for moving and the center of mass is another important part. The whole body typically mives slightly from the center of mass, somewhat of legs and the upper body and hands move the more the higher or more outward place in the body is, somewhat lije a youbg tree bending in wind. Typical to aikido is that one avouds collisions by stepping aside widely enough, so that the attacker goes past and is lead around a spherical orbit around the one doing the technique. But it is just obe way of thinking distancies, of natyral nonforcibg routes of movement, and the technuque us jyst something in that direction, not so exactly righr, not so easy but varies each time and that is one of the reasons why aikudo is fun and teaches spirts skills. 

Centralisation does not mean that one would be a boss, somehiw forcing the environment. Instead it is a way to be somewhat sovereign, to take part in the action in the environment in a quite harmonioys way. The name of aikudo means "a way to harmony" or "the way of the harmonious force", and the harmony is thought also as harmony of the whole world, and as the harmony of one's ages of healthy nature, i.e. ages old healthy natyral ways of living in all areas of life, with how one lives. It is said that lne feels like having found one's place in the world, feels happy and fullfilked, in harmony with the environment and meaningful (morally ok) goals in lufe and in the world, instead of jyst finding peace and harmony instead of conflict, harmonious living in a group of different kinds of individuals each with a different job in the society etc, a different sphere of life with it's human relationships, activitues, etc. 


Oh, if someone was interested in how to be a leader of the world, it isn't in centralisation as far as I know. It is in what I wrote about the song Värmlandsvisan. 

About power to influence things there is the collection of texts, see especially in the beginning the quotations about position and about emperor's power, 

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