Friday, 6 September 2024

Learnkng goes often via tuning toward atmospheric options available

 Of weather skills and of the natural adaptation of eyes to the dark in a place with light too, one knows that by learning such skills life becomes more pleasant and via such skills one's possibilities of wandering outdoors get better kn such a weather or time of the day. But the company of others who have a negative attitude toward tuning to culyivatkng the elements of those skills, often destroys the possible increase in skills. And applying this to life dituations at large, it looks like one can tune oneself to better life in a better living environment, if one just follows basic civiliced wisdom, aim for the good of the world, being fair toward others too. But if one taljs with kind of reclutant or absent-minded or opposing peopke who questiln such a tuning, or scrutinize the subject, or use such things to disastrous guess like choices, then such an atmospheric tuning to cultivating life and livkng environment well in those respects is not possible in such a company, and so for example a former lack of luck cannot be overcome in such a company by this kind of method, but such drawbacks are instead returned. And so one should notice who is atmospheric in which sense and who destroys atmispheric ways of others and why. And one should pay attentiln to what is faked and what is protecting only acting and which things are each person's own anyway, not to be controlled by others and which deeds on the other hand affect others unfairly, maybe in the future. 

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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.

Continued at the next blog

 The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog