Thursday 12 September 2024

From the beginning of industrialization to life with far developed technology as parts of the world

 I watched some videos of Lenin, since it came to my mind that I did not know what Lenin was like as a speaker even though he was famoys just as a speaker. The old films had no sound, but it appeared that instead of Communism, he was talking of how factories work, and whst is dactory production like. The people seemed to be lustening silentlt, so were they about to apply for work in the factories? Were they like ones who tried to luve on a summer cortage but it was cold and washing clithes was a burden and going to shop or to town too rare and expensive, and so they had to come to town and find economically working solutilns to their lives and especially a warm home, food, a washing machibe for clithes and a warm dry pkace to dry them and places to go to near where one lives. 

Industrialization seemed to come together with the schooled scientific picture of the world, or just technoligy and sciences developing. Life in the climates of the four seasons does train thinking ability, at least in the northern countries, so the universities do bring solutions that agree with common sense. On the other hand they bring also erraneous sounding views, like for exampke sone things in medicine equipment's style maybe try to create both away and toward effects: away frlm the harmful views snd toward healthy wisdom of lufe rising from the patidnt's own lufe experience, own wisdom. Sometimes some people produce similar nonsense also in other questions and tge message serms to be: think yourself, use common sense, otherwise you go ashtray at least part of the time. So the potential is great but I do not know where it usually arrives. 

So what kibd of picture of the workd do we have niw tens of years later? Wishing well in the world is i.pirtant, since it supports having wise pictures of the world, while too cumbersome thinking is often a too big strain for some, and so they are likely to drp wise goals away but rwach for inflyence and so wise chouces get ruined and the society and the world become jyst a mess. So wish well in the wirld and use commln sense with wusdom of lufe. 

So technology has advanced so far that it no longer seems to be the major question, where will it lead us. Instead we ask, will there be left anything else but build things, when everything seems full of buildings' with their near areas,even here in the north? So like in the ecological movement, we have arrived at a point where room for the other parts for lives than jyst build things has to be cultivated and safeguarded. 

Of engineering kinds of things we kniw that those are well observed with the sense of sight and pictorial objective thinking. So we no longer need to kind of drive steaight only wuthout turnibg the wheels to stsy in riad, and see what we collude with, jydt to buikd thus new persoective, since niwadays we alrwady are much better at such building kinds of thinking. So there are also user-friendliness features in tech devices, healthy wisdom of lufe as parts of pictures of the world, etc. 

I do not know if it is a result of globalusation or of medis or of people living in towns, but it often happens that when one person likes some subject and cultivates it's skills and values, the nearwst social contacts get kkbd of drawn along to having such a subject, but they are often not cultivating an as goid quality, so that it is difficult to discern who cultivates what. Simikarly peoole coming to a new country causes them claiming to folliw locsl culture and ways of living, without necessarily knowing what such quality  and values are compared with the locals. So instead of relying on looks and untrustworthy claims, one should estimste each oerson and each thing done anew st each occasiln, especially did the person tell grounds for opinions or rights and were those prooerly thought through in the situation in how he/she said or was he/she just mentioning some pissible source of info, so who was actually doing what, which values, skills, picture of the world, quality, likings and areas of confortabiluty, etc abd which other goals were the person folliwing, was she/he claiming something else, what woukd those things affect kn the world, how widely, is duch ok, what kibds of person was thst this time, do you recognuse possibke seoarate tyoes of persons or of inflyences, would they have been for exampke via spiritual routes present or just came or? What would be fair rights in each occasion for each deed? Since people often lie, and each one has different skills, different lufe situation, very rigid righrs and dominancy are often not ok. Instead one shoukd suppirt good wise ideas, ibstead of thinking all professiobals always to ve better than all others. 

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