Saturday 7 September 2024

Animals in space 2. (More about inhabiting new planets)

9th of February 2024   My text "Animals In Space: Inhabiting new planets", see . The text is also available as a booklet at . It is a nice, relieving kind of text, it seems. 

 At there is my old text Animals in space, which is also available as an ebooklet or booklet. There are some later additions to the blog post, so it seems one of the most likely next subjects to write about or collect a booklet, if there are so many new texts about the subject already. 

I copy here tge additional remarks of the old blog post: 

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See also

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20th of February 2024   If one wants to learn to apply this subject, one needs lots of objective thinking and an objective picture of the world, for example school education's. Objective thinking is like a landscape like view that observes structures. So the temperature needs to be such that one tends to observe seen things clearly and with accuracy and many of them as a landscape like view goes well. So one should have experience of looking a lot and of moving in the seen landscape and of observing complex natural forms and structures, like the looks of plants and animals, maybe also landscape like pictures on a wall or the beauty of a landscape outside the window. 

The ability to change to new things is different from recovery, which needs following civiliced values and civiliced wisdom of life. Changing to a new kind of lufe with a new form goes via being naturally fascinated about such a life, i.e. of being suited to it and enjoying it naturally and observing a lit in it and so learning well new things. So it is an individual thing like lot's of lufe's choices of what kinds of life, artifscts, food, things done, tjings to see, etc one likes. And this too needs to be according to civiliced wisdom like in recovery too. 

But it often happens that some thing does not first work out so well that it would suit anyone. So it needs to be an object of intellectual interdst, trying to find how such world suit good life in the world and have many version, all civiliced values followed in them. 


Please observe that the picture in mind after reading these advices ought to be an objective landscape like view of structures, of things in life like a landscape with some things especially clarified.

The "blurts" like style as if a mushroom growing in a few seconds, is of miracle healing mice regrowing lost bodyparts for humans. It needs in additiln a clarification by human skills what is the use of the body part and how it ought to function, ought to be used. So instead of a vague shape one ought to get a seen clear image of the natural beautiful well functioning human body. So one oneself finetunes the bofy part to right kind, right size etc. But this is jyst an imoression on some virtual or spiritual side. My impression is that such miracle healed body parts need to be marked need, estimated in normal time measures, and the old unwounded body parts as old, and that might be seen in style too, since otherwise there may be social problems of losing one's wife etc, when they are not sure of such healing being possible. 


May 2024   See also


24th of June 2024   Kazakhstan in Central Asia, south from Russia, is said to have lots of space travel - so much also ufos that many of those creatures escape to tge nearby sea, is it the Black Sea? 

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13th of July 2023   One of the problems of space travel is if it takes so many years to travel to other stars, and another is if the new planets or moons do not fit together with the space travellers. Most of my younger years' unexplained failings got a solution only via thinking that the world is of spirit, kind of each person and group in a world of one's own, determined by kind of one's mental viewpoint and how one lives, as if someone would have tried to estimate how such an individual or group would live in the world, find it's place in likeminded company with similar values. Anyway, in the view that the world is of spirit, if one has chosen clearly wrong, the journey may take a lot of time, kind of to give one the chance to think thoroughly the subject again and end up at a better choice, but if the person then would choose another kind of planet as the goal, which would suit him and the group very well, they would be well suited aliens there, then the space ship would have suddenly almost arrived there and soon theh would arrive and everything go well if chosen similarly like what type of person suits where.


16th of July 2024   An artificial atmosphere would be easiest to build in a room ot a tunnel. That is why it can be more likely to find ufos living in underground tunnels and caves, instead of out in the natural atmosphere of the planet. It can also be that some ufos would for coming out prefer uninhabited areas like deserts and mountain tops. Maybe some would buikd their cabes etc near chemically unusual volganic activity, or the like. 

17th of July 2024   See also 

18th of August 2024   Adapting to a new planet as a living environment, might go like the advice about experiencing fascinating weathers pleasant and charming like wine, see .


" Beetle-home etc 


Beautiful village

Stell balls moving

My own home as an adult has sometimes had a honey like atmosphere. I value animals and nature, admire bees, and I tend to think that it is good to leave things at home in a way that is good for life, but sincere enough so as to know where one needs to learn better ways of living. I value wisdom of life a lot and consider good ways of doing important. I think strongly that wishing well in the world and being fair in one's life are important values to follow in practice, always in everything. 

My books 

" It is a species charachteristic for humans to have a landscape like view 

 Standing and walking on two feet, resembles how a mouse rises to two feet when it wants to take a look of the wider environment, of the landscape it is in. It seems, judging by human bodily structure and ways of moving, that a human tends to want such a wide landscape like view of ghe environment, and that humans are specialiced to living just about all the time with the guidance of such a landscape like view. 

(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

So if some people refuse to take into account the whole, a landscape like picture of the world, can it be that there is soul wandering and they have somehow born or otherwise mistakenly changed to human form, when they ought to have changed to slme animal or other being not needing to respect a landscape lije view. For example an engineer only might be sitting like a mouse or rat, but anyway respect a landscape like picture of the world. And one always coming near without regard to what one causes to the other, could have born a small insect needing the warmth of a human or other big animal. 


One very much social and taking sides, using only some parts of perspective, might be a parasite of a cat. Cat living with humans ought not attack eyes. It is likely that cats' characteristics are somehow wrong, since a cat seems to behave like a clumsy rigidly moving person. 

One attacking soft ones might be a crocodile? 

One wanting to destroy all with pictures of wholes in sight, might be an animal specialiced into digging tunnels to the ground and living in them, like a mole or a worm. 

One attacking things in a seen landscaoe would not have an erect posture like human, but instead a more forward leaning mostly without such a wide view. Is jaguar such a predator? 

One wanting to always have a role would maybe be one hiding, almost invisible, or one wanting to live fully according to the local environment and local traditional culture, for example without disturbing the nature at all. Or like one wanting to learn to live wisely according to the advices of birds. If there is no such idea of respecting fully the wisdom around, it would maybe be suited to bacteria. Or a sneakingly attacking animal, like a tiger for example, but is the total effect too big, especially in the long run, and is the effect toward wiser views and good living conditions for all fairly now and in the future? 

Ones inclined almost solely toward eating, without so much wisdom of life, almost always would like life in a warmer climate, often find even tropics nice. 


A landscape like view is just watching. It is not dominating like a big strong among somewhat smaller ones that are near by. A landscape like view makes it possible to take things into account, and so to live leisurely while being aware of the envuronment. This way of living coubts on coordinating the whole so that catastrophes are prevented beforehand and ways of living and doing are free and with wisdom of life and wisdom about the whole, so that their wishes fit together without problems and they cooperate in a free harmonious way helped by communication at the level of pictures of the world, and seen etc observations about individuals' ways of doing etc, and maybe a music like perspective (from birds? Or somehow such idea but in human pictures of the world, like in the form of songs memorised knowledge of ways of living at the level of experience, to pass some of that beauty and richness of life to the next generations, in a wise form) about good ways of doing, motivations, etc. 



9th of February 2024   My text "Animals In Space: Inhabiting new planets", see . The text is also available as a booklet at . It is a nice, relieving kind of text, it seems. 


Obs. Read this only after the above booklet, if you want to learn this skill : 

Mars, photosynthezis by the skin, and green colour

It is said that in Mars the atmosphere is largely carbondiokside, which means that plants could propably flourish there, and such is also told of the Earth a long long time ago. Martian people are said to be green. If one copies from the atmosphere of a healthy pine brach with green needless, the atmosphere near the needless, as if moist air there, like an aura, thinking of the tree as a model for oneself in transforming one's life permanently toward photozynthezis ability in, near or on one's skin,  and another picture more blurredly in mind that of a green Martian, and such a model by the skin of one's arm, it feels as if the tree as a forefigure had given a feeling of fresh oxygen in the arm a few centimeters from the skin, maybe nearby arm fully at least a little bit.

Green colour of a coat or hair seems to connect with an elderly thknking tjings overly, much too much poorly in lufe around and trying to cure such with one's wisdom, but caring for things wider too, kind of aiming at adding good quality wisdom of life for a wider area too, kind of wisdom for the society, like for boys in the old times' adventure books maybe. So even though such seems to connect to plants' refreshing effect, and is maybe needed in Mars, it maybe isn't necessarily needed for photosynthezis. 

Just came to my mind: if humans too could learn to produce oxygen from carbondiokside this way on one's skin, copying from the photosynthezis of plants, could that lower the carbondiokside levels in rooms and in town environments so much that it would counteract global warming? 

23rd of March 2024   A species or an individual of it developing to a new species with different characteristics is different from malformation (which seem to be caused by some normal basic life being replaced by clumsy keeping company or the like, so the body gets clumsier too, like skills deteriorate if never used). In developing to a new species the new characteristics are likely to develop via serious reaching for, like if a fish comes to land, it by turning this way and that way can maybe soon return to the sea. If some type of fishes like .oving on land such short distancies, maybe they hobby like develop skills for such, are motivated to developing such skills. So maybe some learn to move on land with their stomach side undermost. And so they maybe learn balance and tend to think that somewhat sturdy finns would help them in keeping upright and moving. And so maybe in a group of young or young adult fishes they would try to reach for, train their finns to support them well in moving, maybe rise a little bit on them, and so across time via such inclination they woukd develop legs, and maybe a skin that bears sometines a little bit of dryness (from the weather skills of the four seasons I know that such is like balancing on tunings of the (maybe thicker, more layeredly thought of) skin & water etc balances & states of mind & ways of doing, goals, values, etc that appear and feel good both in the short term and in longer term). And so they could across time develop both in skills, observatilnal abilities and in their physical characteristics toward life on land. One develoos in skills via sincere interest in them, not via slumber like taking part or trying to bear while too ill to behave wisely. 


19th of May 2024   If some people are so fond of murders that it seems unlikely that the human species could have survived with such charavhteristics, can it be that some of them are not originally of the human species, and that they somehow feel too uneasy and unnatural living as humans. And if some do really wish to make the planet Earth not good for life and wish all to fly away in a spaceship, can it be that they are ufos feeling the planet Earth to be unnatural for them and wish for better planets, or that they have identified so much with such ufos that they too have begun to adapt to other kknds of planets already much beforehand. 

25th of May 2024   I once saw some info of yearly space rocket launches in all or several countries, and it was some enermous number, was it thousands a year? So if one longs for space travel, moving to live somewhere where the country ir area is largely specialiced to space flights, like Kazakhstan for example, would bring more info of such possibilities, maybe more info of ufos too. 

About growing wings in the text under the video. 

"Guardian angels 

 I watched a video document of filmed presumed guardian angel sightings that seemed real phenomena but not all exactly angels or guardian angels. Those seemed to get explained by the view that the world is of spirit. We each one live in our own world or piece of world and get influencies from others according to how we live and with whom we do things together and from what we are interested in and with whom we share a common view, values & similar skills. So often we live along some culture or some town's way of lufe or certain professions. 

But if we run into some problem that we want to overcome, we may look for forefigures with a better idea of how to live in those respects, which often is some group's cultural wisdom or it's way of life with it's wisdom of life. So we may abandon some old habits or views that caused us trouble and instead read a book or find some wiser group with better values and wisdom of life. So in a way we then change our world from near some to further away and toward better life choices. 

Sometimes the need for such a change is so arupt or becomes actual at certain point so ghat we know, like when in danger of death, that we have tl change to wiser ways of living. So we may for example change toward more civiluced wisdom and pray. Such often happens if in the eyes of others you died to something, but your lufe after death became possible via adopting wiser cjoices that for example heal and make wiser. If one does not yet have enough skills or such wise people as company, one may on some spiritual side lean toward such and they may shelter socially like a wise more experienced forefigure helps motivated beginners in tasks that the forefigure has a liking toward or values a lot. 

So the sheltering kind of guardian angels are often only at the times of emergency like near death, or just social relations on some spiritual or mental side with whom one identifies with.

 Likewise groups can shelter in a society that values those groups and the reasons why they shelter so. When it goes wrong, it is typically poor quality accepted as ok enough, when it in reality is not ok at all for the task. So if something goes wrong one should check the quality of basic things more at lenght instead of without observations.

 It may also be that the world is not so widely just like taught in school but instead more of spirit, with each one gaining space to luve in by being of hoped for kind, instead of by conquering from others. 

The sightings of these presumed angels seemed rare abd usually connected to the "angel" being from in some way wiser culture so that it was good wished for influence for the people seeing it, but mostly the angel did not seem moral as a person. It seemed that the angel was an ordinary person interested in the area or culture or of a certain person or animal there as a social relationship. So the angel either came there to show some wisdom that one can prooably learn by looking, or the angel just wandered around to get some kind of idea of these kind of nit so wise areas, or it sheltered an animal friend, which maybe died for those who do not value angels, or noticed like-minded in some other town being in trouble and as wiser tried to shelter, and if it was a question of death, tried to offer via good will a road to a better world without so many so big catastrophes, which means spirituality as a local choice for some while helps a lot in avoiding catastrophes. 

There was also a not so wise looking grey man figure flying as if culture's educated picture of the world had been wise and with civiliced values in the wide world, but the way of thinking nit so intelligent. 

There were also some human like figures with angel's wings, really wide 1 or 2 meters each or so, and as I thought of such afterwards, havibg wings seems to clnnect to reserving oneself to a certain area only, so that must be a birds'feature, and so birds' wings are a different tvibg from human hands and feet. The wings grow to human's back like on angels, and I guess that birds' feet correspond to human hands and the human feet correspond to birds' tail. 

If one has a theory perspective that one follows all the time and aims for the good of the world with good quality, that seems to bring white wings. And if one plans to live in ways that are amobg other things evil, that brings black and dark colours to the wings. The colours are like with a paint brush jyst one colour to a feather like painting a house. 

It may also be that a group tries to change to wiser ways of living, in which case they maybe feel lighter about the better choices that they study, so on some mental or spiritual side someone may take the task to be a model of those skklls for them for a moment. 

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14th of October 2023   If one at unwise times seeks to invest in higher wisdom, one may appear to some like a being of light, someone bringing lighter more positive views to life, since such is just what is often meant by wisdom or wisdom of life. 

If continuing according to wisdom seems hindered on the spiritual sphere, that is often because of keeping company to beings near by whose sphere of lufe is to a large extend just the social relations around and not a view of the larger world. It may also be that one relues on fakes as if those had wisdom which they do not have. At such cases light is maybe brought by thinking of some being like a partly wild animal in town or somebody's spirit passing by outdoors: someone thinking, can one go thst way, which route woukd be best, and continuing in one's way. 

Lufe that just runs well and is good for the world too, seems at unwise times to be the thing to remember and to invest in, seems to be one's own guardian angel. So guardian angels connect with the border areas of wise lufe and unwise lufe in the living environment. Then often some others are unwiser, trying to lean on you but without wanting to rise at all as high in their effect in the world. So benefitting from an guardian angel demands disrancing oneself socially from those who do not want to rise higher than their present life, which often is a difference between generations : they chose that kind of lufe while you needed a possibility to wsnder safely to the wider world. 

Some of tge flying figures in the video were as if a person in sleeping dreams had be suggested by a friendly animal that you can go there, but the human thinking "atsh this was not a good idea, I will go elsewhere", so such gliding figures do not ordinarily know how to glude, they just change place in their thoughrs. 

Quite often one also needs shelter. Such is typically found in social conformity toward the elderly who have some peaceful view on life, since they just know what works and what does not work in oractice. But of course one can learn new skills, but those are often not fitted to the whole so well, so one needs to back up one's life by following ordinary social likings & values, without giving up civiliced wisdom at large, at least leaving it as a possibility. But such comformity is often harmful in the long run and also in the large scale, so one should invest in school learned valyes and since those are more basic from the adult point of view, maybe find solutions with the both good sides. 


I made an e-booklet of this text, since the subject is interesting. But it is too short for a printed booklet. The e-booklet ought to be soon available at 



Pegasus, horse with wings, mice with wings, at 

" Pegasus 

 Pegasus, a horse with wings, is a symbol of poetry. 

If you have wisdom of life and are from a culture with wisdom of life, and if you like practical things to do, a little bit like the fascination of free time with horses. If you value the wisdom of feelings and want to offer such wisdom to the younger generation too, maybe via writing poetry or making nice artifacts from which one can learn such if one is motivated, and by living one's life in a good way. If you just live following that kind of courses in how you wander, a little bit like listening to nice song in the radio, is it then in some way like a horse wandering? And if your culture's wisdom can in a spiritual sense shelter the less wise every now and then, when they are eager to learn. If you think that you resyrict your lufe to a certain area only instead of travelling the whole world, is it then at some moments as if you or your dream horse had kind of angel's wings, like birds too have, but more in imagination or in some spiritual side only, in momentary impressions...

About the looks of angels and devils 

"The looks of angels and devils may be fromhaving a too angel like or too devil like social environment for the individual 


(19.2.2024   Mysocial space to live in does not carry this subject, it just interests others with more social inclination. I ought to stop writing but feel forced to it. The reason seems to me having figured out easy ways to study kind of school taught things. But you should read my numerous earlier texts and not demand anything more from me.) 

In this blog I have followed the ordinary view of angels as moral and devils as evil, since that is the view I am used to. These views about how the looks connected with angels and devils are naturally born, are new to me. 

 The angel like characteristics of a single person connect with associating with liked things or wisdom, and the devil like style connects with defending against the ones breaking against one's needs or values. 

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The traditional characteristic looks of angels and devils do not go in a so easy way, but there are rational reasons for them. The characteristic looks thought to be of devils are of persons who are fed up with the other person intruding their lufe and disturbing their life, so the person is about to explode, of which the looks warn. The looks may also say: could we please raise the level of understanding to much higher? And if the not-wise person is much bigger, like an adult Chinese woman compared with a marakat monkey which has a good wise understanding and a responsible character with condiderate common sense like ways, the constant need to fight of the unwise commands may make the marakat monkey grow horns to it's forehead, like sheep need horns (like a satisfied customer of a shop?) to shelter them from the social pressure from fellow sheep, and like a deer in bushes feels branches above it's head disturbing it's social communication and so grows horns to have it's own wisdom heard. 

An angel like appearance is when the situation is wiser in wisdom of life and in values than what is usual for the person. So one enjoys such and accepts others near, so that the others with such wisdom can expect friendly response from going near and affecting the person that wisely. Such is typical between like-minded persons who do not intend to command the life of the other, but may suppirt the person's values and likings. Claiming to be a close long term old relationship makes the situation more fight like, less angel like. 

The one considering oneself angel like, thinks that she/he is presently behaving too civilicedly, and is so likely to attack civilicedly behaving persons and betray civiliced values. That is why an angel is often seen in too light coloured clothes, which maybe do not fit the weather, and with a sword as if about to destroy life possibilities around, and with wings as if about to fly, which is too much imaginatiln or in the spiritual sense a mark of living according to varied smounts of wisdom, i.e. identifying with groups of a different level of understanding. 

One looking like a devil wants to say: coukd you please follow at least a basic civiliced wisdom & civiliced behaviour. So one is wise in some way and would prefer livibg in peace. But it may also be a difference in living environment, culture, types of skill, etc instead of one being wiser than the other. 


In this blog I have followed the ordinary view of ancels as moral and devils as evil, since that is the view I am used to. These views about how the looks connected with angels and devils are naturally born, are new to me. 

 The angel like characteristics of a single person connect with associating with liked things or wisdom, and the devil like style connects with defending against the ones breaking against one's needs or values. 


Good means good for some purpose, good quality, and that is typical when lne sees well, preferably a whole landscape, so such is typical to daylight time and to having light to give the possibility to look and see clesrly. So good is symbolized by white. Evil means needless breaking against what is wise in the world, so it connects with unwise views, which means that some observations are not in the picture guiding actilns and there may be erraneous info in the picture. Such resembles how things are when one does not see well enough or at all, so it is like the effect of a lack of light when one needs to look at something. So evil is symbolized by the black colour. 


19th of December 2023   I do not know so much about Tasmania, except that it is an island south of Australia. But I have the impression that it has a hot or warm humid climate of an even temperature, so that one tends to get stuck to the same tracks so much that it is a big problem in itself. So the people in Tasmania long fir skills in healthy pleasant variation, and so people abroad have been across years asked to solve tge problem. The basic solution they use seems to be soneone else forcing the Tasmanian to move in varied healthy ways, but it usually goes ashtray because the others use much too much forcing, so that the Tasmanian stays unmoved like a sack because of too much disturbancies to irdinary lufe. So what one should notice, is that the one helpibg ought to be small and undustyrbibg lije a child comoared to a sovereign adult, or a moyse runnibg on the floor in a varied route and rythm so as to break stuck posture knto conceiving ordinary lufe rythms etc like tree branches or the branches of bushes. To would be helped by havibg several different kinds of nice lookibg liked artifacts or places with a more comolex structyre than square forms and straight lines. The animal called the Tasmanian devil looks like one ought to go around it at a distance of a few meter or slightly less, and so the bushes braches etc woukd look beautiful and the weather feel pkeasant for a moment. One could call it a "go around" type of animal. 

24th of December 2023   In today news there was an article consisting mainly of pictures and videos, of figures from around the world which may some be related to the Santa tradition, but these had different kinds of horns, some as if agitated by disturbancies from younger generation adults, some as if communicating a feature of culture, a social situation or a type of person, not all real but some might have been like somebody's social chsracter or message. See the article at . If a person really has lots of wisdom of life, it can be easiest communicated in ways natural for humans, like via the wild nature, especially birds can teach for example weather skills quickly, likewise natural gesture language when learning skills and living in the same social group, maybe songs etc, maybe on some spiritual side too. Life choices get easier if one notices that the world is of spirit so that what you tune to or get classified to, may alter your environment and who wander in your living environment. 

What is too much soft, art etc and what too scarce 

25th of May 2024   The last oaragrapfh of the addition 23.5.2024 at , is about body's cooling ability, so it could be useful also in a hot climate where temoeratures do not vary so much. Typically one can learn heat regulation skills from the atmospheric looks of bushes' branches snd of the magnifient looking atmospvere of whole landscapes of both houses or road or the like and some greenery including bushes or trees, if one lets the plants, weather, etc dictate what looks magnifient and how one ought to luve nicely in such a landscape. Usually one needs to learn these ways anew for each weather, each time being outdoors, and usually even mych more often.  

There is also my blog i.e. and my book "Healing 4. ". 

15.8.2022   Of all my texts about healing, this subject of growing a new healthy part of body to replace a lost one, has been the only one causing problems, kind of scandalous. It is just pieces of text. I have the imoression that some have gotten it to work, grown a new limb kn a few seconds or half a minute. But as far as i understand those are people with full capacity for reading, a good enough understanding and emotionally ok, some may have been very religious like a priest, but i do not know this, i just have the impression as if it were in the air. Trying very basic way, without so much experience of life, like a baby grows much before birth. The texts would be worth translating, but those are judt ideas trown into the air and nothing else. My impression is that many may be handicapped but with robot arms or robot legs. But for them too the basic sdvice is the same : read and understand the muracle cure advices, on a good moment read also about growing lost bodyparts, then on a good moment, convinced that you wanna live your lufe with a healthy body, try to grow a new healthy body part, just take the robot arm away and try growing a new arm kn a very basic way, like it seems to best go, with the muracle cure advices helping in that and religion supporting.

16th of August 2022   The societies of handicapped might be interested in translating miracle cure advice attempts, likewise churches.

This could, if it succeeds, offer a way to recover from cyborg to a human with a fully healthy body. If one is a robot and the world is of spirit, one could maybe return to human by N41. at .

28.9.2022   After getting miracle healed, tell that to tge church or some spiritual person, and not to medical personnel, since it is much like a miracle. 

* * *

3rd of March 2024   My impression on some spiritual or mental side is that growing a new body part to replace a lost one succeeds best via the help of miracle healing mice : ask if there is any friendly mouse near by, even if there is no mouse in sight, an impression of a fruendly mouse near you is often enough, ask it if it could help you in finding a miracle healing mouse to help you grow new body parts to replace ghe lost ones, promuse to gkve the muce a good life and pay them immediately to their bank about half a month's wage if you get healed, give the mouse the possibility to try to use you mobile phone for a video call to other mice, maybe open a window for it to ask a bird in a tree about it, and if there is already a miracle healing mouse near by and coming maybe open a door or the like if it needs such. With the miracle healibg moyse present, let them have the bird and mobile phone as possible sources of info and remove protesis, robot arm etc, and follow the advices of the muracle healing mice. Growing a new body part may take a few seconds, and some more for you to adjust it to right size, form etc according to your view of a good arm or tge like to live it. When you really wish for a new arm, the arm is still adjystable, but later not so well if at all. The new body part grows maybe like "blurts", like pressing cream bubbles via a decoration line creator, or like a mushroom, and so the mice maybe aren't so good for the final precision adjustment of the limb, so use all your wusdom. It is good to mark the body part as new as it is, so that you do not lose wife etc thinking that such miracles sre impossible. Remember to pay the mice immeduately. Take good care of the mice, since without their help the new limb isn't necessarily stabile. The mice may help to make your wife understand. If you list lots of nutritients, remember to eat healthily for a few days. 

 28th of March 2024, the Thursday of Easter week

When I was a child, maybe at some age between 4 and 9, I was sometimes asked what would I think of a future work as a nurse in medicine, and so I got via some presumably spiritual roads impressions of children with some wound to heal, could I do such, did I have insight, since I was interested in healthy ways of living. I do not know how many thete were of these, maybe just some momentary gli.pse of a wound in an arm and my mom or somebody with similar rationality asking, how to heal such. But thete was also a girl without a leg and a few attempts to grow a new leg, which finally my mom thought that maybe I could have succeeded kn such, but I myself did not know, but anyway the imoression was of thinking that since a healthy leg is needed kn lufe, ghere should be room in the arrange.ents of the world and so of the near environment yoo tl grow such when needed, if one oneself wished well for the world, aimed at one's whole life being good for the lufw and future of thr living kind. But for it to work out there was needed perspectives from the near environment, like a way of yjinkibg and picture of the wirld of a certain style, with slmelne understandkng religion and about medicine's ways backing it up. So such would depend on the ability to observe and successfully use different ways of doing and of thinking  which means ghat one shoukd not lue such but ibstead use such observations for learning and for developing obe's social picture of the world especially of different ways of doing, different professilns, cjltures, skills, etc. These kinds of skills can be nice to learn and good to have in life, see my text .

30th of May 2024   The answer to the question of why lost limbs etc do not recover, is msybe that the phace of life isn't such then. Humans need a healthy body that stays healthy, without growing unnecessarily or wrong. But as a baby in their mother's stomach they grow a healthy normal human body, and it seems that it does not require much experience of life, but intentions should be toward the right direction and the goal to be a healthy normal human body. An impression from some mental or spiritual side is tgat if some adult has list for example half a limb, it may be possible for some to grow a new one, but it requires that ghey really wish to live with such a new linb for years and tens of years, fully healthy, are really convinced of such, such is their major lufe chouces. And in such occasions, for example having watched on some mental side someobe grow a new limb, it may be possible to grow also other mussing body parts. But usually growing other missing body parts goes via spirituality, just wishibg things going well and living according to that wiser healibg picture of the world. So one cannot be social with peopke who wish that weapons would have strobg effects in the sense of no healing possible, or in the sense of suppirting lufe chouces which tebd to cause death. So one should somehow stick to spiritual healing life choices, and so on such roads healing would be possible, one would just transform to healthy vua such lufe chouces. 

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17th of July 2024   Obs. Most healing advices are in the original Finnish blog, for example healing advices to cancer, pains, malformations (see each thing ought to be taken care of by the right areas of life, like basic skills for the young ), tumours, paralysis, joints ruined, etc. 

There are separate advices for inhabiting new planets by transforming to a new form of life, see the booklet "Animals In Space" at my blog .

18th of July 2024   When I still had my two dogs some years ago in Savonlinna, I once looked at the screen of my unused white tv, trying to feel the atmosphere if there could be a grey almost unseen image or video on it for mice. And there seemed to be two diagonal lines like X across it and on them steange creatures like Peruvian mice related beings resembling each a somewhat round piece of bakery "pulla", and those seemed like "an air acrobatics team", looking like handicapped somewhat well eaten people lying on their sides on the floor performing some mimicry of the beauty of gymnastics. Later it has sometimes come to my mind, that could those have been in my own room performing strange gymnastics of nonsporty people in the X like support of my music keyboard? Anyway, can very handicapped who miss limbs with which to move well, or nonsporty, or ones having lived too long on an evenly travelling lobg distance spaceship, or just fat food oriented ones without much sports lately, can they find a way to recover from having lost limbs? Are babies mostly lying, drinking milk and watchkng around for their first times after having been born partly for this reason? It does not sound needed for this. Ba ies grow their limbs while still in the mother's stomach, so that is the memore needed. I guess it is not so full of lufe experiences, but instead s wish to live a full human life in ways suited to themselves in harmony with the ages old nature of living beingd and in ways that fit somewhst into the mozern world, to these times. So there is the strong wish, the goal of having a healthy whole human body, and so one has some image of it in one's mind, maybe gets help from adults and snimals telling of what a human body is like, and so one just shifts the weight of one's life to go with such an image, others around also helpibg and saying that it is normal and ok and wished for to grow so as a baby, and so one is with that story, does not question the rationality of such, it is just how the nature grows and normal, and so it usually goes or has gone since ancient times that one lives with a healthy body, is much motivated toward such and sports, and that is one's life, even if it in some cases sounded like a sleeping dream first, that is the reality to cjoose and support wisely, in healthy ways. 

6th of September 2024   For growing a missing body part, one needs to be convinced that one wants to live with a fully healthy body for the rest of one's life. So one must classify oneself together with others with similar values. One who would like to or maybe woukd in the future prefer being a cyborg to having a fully healthy body, has a different situation in what comes to growing missing body parts. If one does not understand that that is different, one does not understand this way of healing. 

If some accident or other loss of limds is so new that you are not quite sure if it so or if you can live in the old ways, say to yourself, to your body and mind abd to possible spiritual and other helpers around, that a fully healthy body like before is ok, you hooe for such, but fully healthy body is the criterion even if it is in some spiritual sense better somewhat other style somewhere, and sl if there somewhere is a momentary or even longer impression of some parts of the body maybe lacking, tell that it is ok to griw them bavk to the fully healthy body form, even if one needs to repeat such advices several times during thenearest few days, it is anyway good to have a fully healthy body even if it needs the world being somewhat spiritusl in slme sense, in some ways, so it is ok to clntinue with a fully healthy body anyway, even if that means needing to try to be somehow spiritually well for the world the next month or two or I do not kniw for how long. Is there any place for such tasks? 


" About transformations of places and of beings 

 If one is dedicated to something that one values as a thing to do, as having wise good ways of doing, having a good beneficial effect on life in the world, being a nice fascinating hobby like thing suited to one's ways of living as a whole. Then such an attitude often means tvat you would like the thing in better qyality ways than for what there ordinarily are forefigures etc arranged. So approaching such a subject a little bit furthern away from forefigures, more guided by dreams, ideals, good quality and personal touch, personal insights too lifting the quality. Then you by such an unusually good quality approach that is wise in the wide world, create a space around yourself in wvich such better quality is possible, kind of as if others saying, "oh old fashioned handiworks, that's nice, but you do not do them for your work since you sre not bored, a hobby is of a different kind, better in spirit and more variation". 

Lijewuse if you keep thing well and good for life, some animal friends living there may do their part in making the environment pleasant snd good for life, evdn indoors if it is just nicely and in a good quality way respecting kibd of music lije wisdom of feelibgs too. 

If an animal for example wants to grow a better coat, one ought to find friendly (very convinced and skilled, like a husky for example) forefigures teaching a warm coat, and give up former views of a certain kind not-warm-enough coat being just of a compulsory kind, termed fine. And look at the forefigure's attitudes toward coming autumn, especially in the coat area and near by it, like posture, blood circulation, goals, their feeling, how widely they affect, in which ways, what are the thoughts connected to this, feelings and picture of the world, is there any actual deed directed toward the coat, are there classifications for things in the environment, to reactions to them, what is such picture of the world and of the seasons, what is the identity like, what does it say of coat, what should the hairs be like, the outer hairs how water resistent endurable etc, the inner coat how warm, in which ways and how to achieve that. Then just transform your life toward that ideal. 

Of learning new skill of a different area of life, respect much it's vslyes, dincerely, do not use fully your moticatiln but stop when enthusiastic, leave yourself room to develop toward tgat dream, always respecting high values, much respected in the world, so you across time create yourself a place in such a life, a professiln for example. If you are far away to begin with, start by allieing yourself an ok quite average basic version of such at leadt part of the time. Respecting highly civiliced values in the world you can across time shift your weight, yoyr ways of livibg more toward the right. 

" Weathers like wines 


"Weathers like wines 


"  There is a charm of a landscaoe with at least some nature in it. And if you at some moment look at some tree (maybe it is often more lije a short glance with some of tge landscape and clouds, type of light, feel of the air etc weather like things in it too and especially the season of the year noticed too - an atmospheric second?, and later attention mostly in the landscape and weather like factors), tall grasses or slme other nature in the landscape to see it's style and charm, in which there is some atmosphere of the weathers, a view of living the weathers in a charming way. If one folliws that atmospheric, kind of colour sensations oriented view with the air too somehow observed in it, the weathers, if one folliws such a way of living. And the next moment or after a short while looks again at the beauty of some nature, and finds so an atmospheric way of living the season and the weathers. Is it somewhat lije the weathers like wine, which at first would seem to refer to the charm of spring together with it's birdsong. 

Just wander in the landscape like those atmospheres suggest, admiring the beauty of the nature around, like on a short walk, or in pieces of a few steps, to learn variations according to the beauty of nature and the demands of the weathers. 

It is mostly an impression when watchibg a tree or a beautiful nature view, that someone would walk enjoyably so, in a kind of atmospheric way which senses colours etc enjoyably. And so if one oneself decides to try such, pay attention to such charm in the landscape in the near minutes, it is very enjoyable, or then one did not catch it right, or is not of that type enough - like year around according to such advices of the weathers of just that climate would be good for living there. 

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The video's texts brought to my mind someone trying to figure out well affecting medicines, which brought my attempt at such for something in the direction of the weathers in this song of Cat Stevens : a slice of dark bread with a slight layer of butter or oil on it.


Dark wheat bird's song in my ears,
above the wheat seeds full moon;
summer nights happiness is mine,
to a mist dresses themselves the valleys.
I am not joyful, I am not sad or sighing;
but bring to me forest's dark colours,
the red of the clouds to which day vanishes,
faraway sight of a windy hill that sleeps,
the scent of tiny pink flowers and the shadows of lakes;
of these I weave my heart's song.

To you I sing miss, summer grass,
my heart's great silence,
my religion, sing as melodies,
an oak leaves head decoration lush, new.
I am no longer tracing vanishing fake lights,
in my hand happiness's gold,
life's sphere around me gets smaller;
time stops, wind indicator sleeps;
in my front a twilighty road
leads to an unfamiliar cottage."

Eino Leino (My translation)



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You can buy the ebooks at or jyst read the blogs, some ebooks at 

"   "Dwenda" beauty of certain climate's nature, ways of living, etc 

 Travel to your dream destinations with Dwenda travels,Dwenda travels is a way of looking so that one gets a feeling of utter beauty of nature and learns great new talents etc,

8th of July 2024   Of the name Dwenda, I am good at theoretical thinking, so I suggested a name connected with wise ways of thinking, D, which appear to fit together with the nature, in questions of northmost America the trees there, and a kind of wider fascinating spgere of lufe and of undwrstanding and skills with a tale like charm of the northern forests, snow, nature and the seasons there, like what is the charm of some books there and my view of how to learn new skills, talents and a way of lufe suited to an area that one would like to live in and whose seasons, weathers, type of nature imoressions and their atmospgwre sensstions, etc one is fascinated by. And my imoression about traditional ways of life in the quite north, and of the ways of living of wildlife in the north. But these wete jyst imordssions of a certain style, certain ways of choosing what is comfortable for people, animsls  groups, etc motivated in a certain way, what is a fruotful groubd to build upon together with civiluced wisdom and especially civiluced valyes. And the ibflyencies from the arctic Santa Claus Kand in the North-West Russia at Novaja Zemlja made it possible to choose jyst such that it would be like a nice present or nice presents for the ibdkviduals but with good wuse effects in the world and posdible in practice, for e ample of a right size class in each thing. Or that was the aim. 

9th of July 2024   If the name of a wide area Dwenda, helps learning fascinating clinate's culture which one likes and values, and learn talents, wisdom and skills from the nature, etc, and does so all over the world, is it then in a sense a name suited to the whole planet Earth, so would the planet Earth have in some sense naturally the name Dwenda, since thinking a liked fascinating area there havibg that name (Dwenda) or being a part of a wider area with that name (Dwenda) would be a good way to live there, to learn to the place's habits, skills, ways of living, etc. So in a sense such a planet would be called Dwenda, even if it isn't officially called tgat. " 


Book or ebook "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" 

" You can downliad the ebook "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in"  by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, for free from .

"This book contains advices in skills of creating magnifient views and nice indoors for living. The advices are on a very general level, aimed at people of all ages all over the world. The main advice is to build on choosing things that you like, for example hobbies, favourite areas of life, colour symbolics good for living, fascinating views central in arranging where to watch out from the windows, choosing according to your liked way of life, living where such suits the traditional culture. "

The ebook has really many pictures. If the colour pictures disturb you, the paperback book with black and white pictures is much more neutral. 

The book is aimed at a global audience. 

The kindle ebook sold at ought to have unlimited copying allowed, but I do not know if it is tied to being of the same group, famiky or the like. 

The texts are from the blogs , and .

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Also free wines with immediate download at but some of them refer to being on a planet or the like. 


9th of September 2024   This blog post ought to be soon available as an ebook at . You can find the efile also at my blog .



I do not like space travel as a subject, since the living environment there is too unnatural. Of the influencies that I have gotten today of space travel, the square walls of the space station seem to make it more difficult to bear. To such I guess would help some quite round (oval or rounded shape of straight lines? With some threads of similar color like an octobus, but threads maybe to sides, or a decoration cushion?) maybe complex and maybe somewhst orange or reddish decoration object like seems to fix the atmosphere. I guess that decoration object of homes or of working places from the 1940's, 1950's or 1970's might solve it since I guess there was a similar problem then. 

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