Tuesday 3 September 2024

Feeling well in what comes to well eaten

 After a few days I have been in this Christmas gnlme / elf skills subject for six years. What I feel that is and has been one of the drivkng forces of the demand is that many woukd like to know what it demands to feel well like a well eaten, like lne having has a proper warm meal and feeling satisfied with it like maybe a somewhat dat person valuing good food and a peaceful comfortable home evening maybe talking, reading some interesting piece, listening to music, having a nice home and nice chores a varied but ok enough amount. 

The basic advices that I know of such that usually it is not only food that matters, but instead you have tp have some other factors plus ways of living ok too. Like warm enough clothes are a necessity. In Finland ordinary cotton fabric is usually not enough at all. Instead you have to have much thicker clothes bought from local shops reclmmending them for such weathers. If you do not know, if you would need warmer clothes right now, take a warm blanket or a very warm oadded winter blanket and cover your legs with it. If it makes you feel better, you need warmer clothes right away. If it feels ok to stay under the blanket even after 5min or more, you need approximately as warm clothes as tge blanket. But if after a short while you feel like putting the blanket away to feel comforrable, then the extra clothes needed are less warm than the blanket. 

The basic advice about foid is that it shoukd be ordinary healthy kind of food for the lufe where you luve and what kinds of lufe it is. Also reclmmendatiobs should be tuned to that, so ice-cream means ordinary ice-cream (which the eye of your social environment's local people says that might be the food you need right then) instead of vegetable oils meant for getting thinner. Also if you in addition est something unusual or not recommended, you need to eat the ordinary healthy kibd of foods anyway, in ordinary amount, and lusten to your bodily sensatilns, miods, feelings, physical fitness, how lufe goes, etc to see how the ordinary foods are good for living in that environment. 

Foods are not meant to replace not caring for other things, like for example being nasty plys eating some delucious sallad with meat or fish and maybe a cup of coffee with a doughnut. Or things going ashtray because of not folliwing civiluced values in work, and just eating oneself full with warm good food as if somewhat liking the idea of being a little bit more fat. 

Foods are meant to ve eaten balancedly ln every meal, abd not only over a certain period. So if you want both light sallad abd sturdy foods, etc, you ought to have them as separate parts of the same meal, on your plate or near by at the same time. So you learn better what you need. 

Also some animals need certain kinds of foods, which may be hard to guess. Here are some of my guesses, without knowing of such. 

Mosquitoes may want a sandwich. 

Cats are said to like warmed cow's milk with pueces of bakery in it. Quite light coloured cats maybe would like dessert like foods, like vanilla sauce with sluces of fresh but ripe pealed kiiwi fruit. Or canned persimon fruit.  

Mice are said to like small pieces of bread or of bakery, maybe fresh vegetables too. 

Being comfortable with one's life choices is important, like drwam job, climate, places lived in and cultures associated with nice, people nice to have around too. 

Lately when I have wondered what is the unusual food somebody in some picture or the like would need, it has quite often been cooked rise or oasta as cool, mixed with squeezed avocado fruit, and maybe with fresh vegetables a sallad from them. In addition they might have wanted to eat some dessert like product of mainly milk and berries, like home-made strawberry ice-cream according to a French advice. 

What comes to my mind as something quite many who do not know what would suit them, would like to eat as something to compare with gheir nutritional needs, is a lax pie made of a bakery bottom & sides and upon it quite evenly spread  cooked rise, squeezed cooked eggs and quite small pieces of fried lax, baked in an oven, maybe with just a few quite thin strips of bakery criss cross upon it. And it can be eaten at least as cool and maybe with a sause of cooked water with oil with some taste like meant for soups. But the pie gets quickly rotten, especially if in warm. 

Another food that often comes to my mind, is especially for people living at sea cost, is "piimälimppu" i.e. bread which has been made partly of - is it sour milk for drinking? - piimä. And with it leaf sallad, maybe butter and maybe cheese that is quite easily spread. And they would typically eat fish soup of vegetables, potatoes, fish, water and oil, maybe some ordinary spice too, made by cooking. ( The amount of salt people need or want, seems to vary a lot, but it should not leave one feeling differently from having eaten food with both water and salt. So not for example body's salt balance feeling like with some substance that is not like ordinary salt that all humans need, even tjough in varied amounts. If there is such a problem, try using ordinary food salt in amounts recommended in the ordinary cooking recioes of the area you live in. Sea salt is one of the food salts recommended by many. Arabs may want to sell both salt and sand - sand is often nice on shores and near shores, also sand roads are often more charming, old times like and free time like. There are many types of both, and so it matters that you would describe what you want, maybe also by comparing with other things, like such would be a typical language for sales people who sell food or things for several different kinds of individuals and groups. ) 

If one has well energy from food for basic life, but would not have the strenght to take wisely into account thkngs in the larger landscape, maybe following civiliced wisdom and eating in addition porridge like recommended for school pupils and students, would help to carry life in such wider tasks. 


It is said that food should also look nice, but it means only that one should know what one eats, and it ought to be good healthy food suited for such a way of living, such strains from the daily life. If one does not feel like eating, one maybe ought to eat a little bit of something that feels to be of a right kind, like a sandwich, a piece of fruit, or the like. And eat a meal only later when such feels right. 


Some news video of the Ukrainan leader at a time war continukng, brought to my mind, as if as an answer to a question, that to have strenght to endure the wide lanfscape like view he ought to eat mango budding or squeezed mango and drink a glass of rypäletuoremehu, fresh juice of green rypäleet, or such is it fruit or berry, as fresh. And for the things at hand risotto, maybe squeezed meat tisotto. 

For those worried about the fate of the world, I would maybe recommend fresh fruit juice, to help to look at people in the large landscapes so that one gets a better idea of which areas of lufe might offer new solutilns to such big questions. 


If instead of calculating a student or engineer etc would like to do well in work by thinking wisely, one ought to eat avocado fruit, cooked spenat ("pinaatti") and drink fresh rypäletuoremehu ("fresh grape juice"?). Apple juice isn't alike but instead toward not-so-flourishing thoughts. The idea is to have wider views that carry well, are of good quality and develop toward better via time, instead of thinking of it being related to just sex and so getting stuck to those relationships, living in quite fixed ways without much idea of how to save the situation to wiser. 

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