Tuesday 10 September 2024

"14,000 things to be happy about"


 I have in my bookshelf a book that is a list of 12 000 reasons to be happy. It says tgat the English original is "14,000 things to be happy about" by Barbara Ann Kipfer (and that it has been translated to Finnish and adapted to life in Finland by Ilkka Rekiaro). It is in a way a quite nice idea, yet I have never much actually read it, since I feel that in such there is a big danger of lising those things from the lives of the people liking such. But others say that it is maybe a shopkeeper's or a librarian's view (or maybe it was secondary school teachers who wrote it, since I seem to be getting now such influencies, I suffered very much from school and now I wonder if the teachers too intentionally attacked those who were wise, like me for example) and that they knew that these things one can mention but not all that comes to one's mind. So maybe they had professional skills for such, but I at least feel that 2/5 of the readers of these Christmas gnome skilks texts of mine first try if they can go to the opposite direction with each advice. So I am quite hopeless at endeavours like this. And I have already written maybe over 10 000 pieces of text (see my blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com ), mostly advices in learning skills of some kind. 

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The books in my blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 


See the side panel of the blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com for links to the texts. 

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