Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Old oak trees from the Berlin Olympics 1936

 In a news article today it was told that in the Berlin Olympics 88 years ago 8 Finnish athletes won medals and got each a 20-30cm high young oak tree as a present from Germany. Two of the trees still remain: one in western Finland in Lapua, and another in eastern Finland in Joutseno in Lappeenranta. Mostly the oaks were planted to the hometowns or villages of the athletes. But of the two remaining it seems that the styles are somehow referring to the other place, Lapua maybe naturally to Lappeenranta, and Joutseno as if as a part of an exchance to Lapua or Pohjanmaa in western Finland. Such seems to remind of a view of how the Germany kind of referred to it's other countues to be kind of socially together a nation. 

An oak symboloses cultivating some needed work or task that is kibd of old much wanted well kniwn part of the society, has it's place and skills and protection, like a bank is wanted, or lije for sports in Finland it has in martial arts been supported that they help to fullfill some milutary like task, educatiln, fitndss, I do not quite know what, maybe that such exists quite naturally, in an ok form, quite fun too. Likewise an oak lije task would maybe be to give possibilitues for spirts hobbies for those who much want such hobbies, without it being bad in some way. 

One of the oaks looked very sporty or somehow nice in that direction. But is handiworks in such a way nice and supported in Lappeenranta, is such an oak like active thing there? That picture also looked like "we are telling a tale, via arts and these fine old fashioned things, we create the magnifient looking things and places that are possible to build with these, but as such the end result is stuck, so we use school like objective rationality in the surrounding area as the basic perspective giving children and quite young people a speedy agile way to run around, to make sports well possible in practice there, and to so create a certain kind of spirit of the district which did not exist before". So the idea is to have a fine theme and wisdom that carry and some people knowing of such and having a liking and skilks for such, pick a young tree that looks good style for this subject, and plant it nicely for sports etc, for the task typical to that species of trees, kind of a memorial tree or jyst one tree to make the place nice, and so the tree is nice and has a place, creates a miljo, and it is suppirted by values and ideals and a good quality hobby with wisdom of life, instead of jyst naming it to refer to slmething. But for sports pines maybe would refer to learning, and to keeping senses open, moving in healthy basic ways with the sense of atmospheres along. 

Hitler's oaks those were called. I wanted to write about planting oaks at large, so I did not mention it. But a moment ago in the news there was something unusual that seemed to relate to Hitler, so I guess it needs to be mentiobed how those oaks from the 1936 Olympics were called. The climate difference is so big that only planted oaks grow in Finland, except maybe sonewhere in southern Finland, I do not know. 

There was some picture of different types of men, msybe Hitler too, and it seemed as if the ones taking the photogeapf had thought that with these as forefigures or examples, will they, the other or they all who come almost this north learn athletic söorty style. But it did not appear at all likely. If they would have lesrned kind of sthletic muscular style, it would have been too slow snd so they would have suited maybe Africs or Arab countries. So maybe the forefigures were originally from there too. It also was erraneous in thinking, if these people now know thoughrs of this style, will they learn the sporty style how well. Since people usually tend to choose just their own style, so.people liking a lot thoughts like msny smaöl boxes arranged, are not likely to learn masses of things producing a holistic practical stmosoheric free ly fliwing music like way of moving and such picture of the world and such sthletic spirts skills too. Or if they learn such, how woukd their valyes be acrosd time? Generally it makes no sense to suppose that peopke should be forefigures of some new foreign cultures sports abd climate skilks etc. Since to begin with they would be with their skills from their old homecountry, and somewhat that style athletic in the new country too, but only via years passing and one being interested in learning the local values and ways, skills and wisdom of lufe, would one learn the local types of skilks, be able to teach such also to others, to newcomers. 


12th of September 2024   I think that statues plys nature may make a peaceful moment for visitors who want to spend a while pondering about such things. But that usually means only somehow good fine magnifient statues plus some nature near them. And the subjects are often from history, so they are ok to have thete. If there is some present day thing, it is maybe more like a building meant for tgat purpise nowadays, and with some trees and other nature around which are good to have around for many kinds of people to do well in such thibgs. In thus context memorial plates like "an oak tree of such and such spevies planted to celebrate so and so many tens of years of for example forwst research education in this town" where the plate is quite small but the style of the letters tells of the institution's perspective and how how it suited the area those tens of years. So if one think of it, it has a certain subject that likes the lufe around there, or something like that, is in a way good to have. Abd ordinarily one dies not need to think of such. But if there are things agreed about tgat are good to have there, it somehow makes the atmosphere of the district better. People kind of kniw better if their own dreams are from some other area and time, not so well suited to a place like this. I mean the human nature is likely to need the wikd nature and parks etc, and wisdom too, but many professions, climate preferences and liked ways of living, connect with especially some types of towns etc kn some kinds of locatiobs like climate zone, seaside, border near or far, debsely or sparcely popukated, types of strenghrs there suit especially which professions, etc.

 But trees need typically some undergrowth too. Otherwise the effect isn't relieving. A lawn is typically ok, especially if it is uncut. But if it is paved area with grass between pavement stones, that is not enough. Also very scarcely growing undergrowth is not enough for relaxatiln or wisdom of life. Tall grasses are often good if left undisturbed and without trash or dangers. One can have such inside a fence or upon a small wall of stones. So such shelters quite ordinary undergrowth in towns. And flowers etc are nice too. But plastic or stationary like plastic usually does not give relaxation and wisdom. Nice decoratiobs suited to the place often work better. For example (these exampkes are from Helsinki - I guess one could see such on a guided walking tour of the town center, which is largely without gardens but there are parks and trees) a nicely enough painted turtle shaped road block from beton. Or a decoration detail in house's wall,  small statues or two stone balls gateside (the somewhat greyish light green (like old paint) wooden house with a garden that I lived my school years had one stone ball upon a gate side stone pillar, and the other ball had been lost because it was unfastened) or the like, which of course means that one ought not take such literally referri g to people living there. They just liked stone balls by the gate, like they liked living in a wooden house too, but nothing was perfectly right, such a place just happened to be for sale. 

Some typical crimes of painted texts with fine unintelligible handwriting from Turku busses in today news, but so fine looking! 

I wondered uf children think of such cryptic figures, and tried to draw my own to a paper, but it was dark and I did nit see me drawing, and so the picture become distorded, and besides it is some adult view of mine, I did not know what was the idea. 

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Continued at the next blog

 The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog