I have the imoression that many read these texts of mine without really understanding that they are teaching material meant to be read out of liking and interest on one's free time. Some read my Christmas gnlme skills texts as ill, instead of reading the nice easy healing advices at CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com , and some read the texts without common sense like thinking skills allng. But if you undersrand the texts and have so much school educatiln background that you can recommend my texts to where those texts might suit, please do so, since I cannot do it for all the possible readers. It makes no sense to write some kkbd of basic study material for a world wide audience, if other peoöle dl not take it as gheir task in common sense lije ways to place each text at least roughly to the right classification in their own communication. So some texts are left u recommended, and some might belobg to some link lusts, and some might need some clarification of who wanted to tead what and which texts suited them how, and were some texts too much reading or not interesting or ? At least the first Christmas gnome skills blog has had many views, and likewise my blig about my books has had quite many views.
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One can comment under each blog post of mine, but the blogs are aimed for a global audience, so the comments too should be from a so general point of view, and with well workkng beautiful values.