Sunday 8 September 2024

How each one cares one's living environment

 In a block of houses with gardens, it was nice how all familues cared for their garden but did it in their own individual ways. We had a quite wild garden, unkept looking, gotten influencies from forest research work of my father and of not-so-skilled natural sciences types of thinking of gardening, somewhat like ecogardening. The neighbours each had their own ways of keeping the garden and of using it. Many of them were nicer somewhat like the shops' products are nice but do not carry all life, while our view was more concentrated on needing to have healthy ways of living instead of dumped down or too cultivated, kind of too square, too thought of instead of nature as wild. Anyway gardens seem to bring what some are interested in gnomes, gardens and homes and how each one keeps their living environment, cultivating something and trying to be free in other respects, yet keep up in the area the ways of living considered nice and good to have around. 

But I have the impression that many search for such gnome likedness, such different types of living by comparing countries or work careers, when the key instead is in people having their own versions of shared liked life arrangements, liked life choices. So they cooperate in getting possibilitues for life, but try to not to disturb tge freedom of each, the possibiluty to variations in a way that is ok for the world and ok for the society. I guess such a wisdom is what the word "uni-versity" seeks to advertise. 

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