The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog
Friday, 20 September 2024
Some former books of mine
I got in post some books of mine, but "Wine like fascination in life" and "Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" seemed to interest so many others that I had to give them to the local public library right away. You can find them as ebooks at .
The other four books were of the series "traditional culture's wisdom", of which the third book would have been "Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" and my last book "Of those upon the Earth..." would be the last in the series.
Thursday, 19 September 2024
If you like my texts, please recommend them according to what is for good in the world
I have the imoression that many read these texts of mine without really understanding that they are teaching material meant to be read out of liking and interest on one's free time. Some read my Christmas gnlme skills texts as ill, instead of reading the nice easy healing advices at , and some read the texts without common sense like thinking skills allng. But if you undersrand the texts and have so much school educatiln background that you can recommend my texts to where those texts might suit, please do so, since I cannot do it for all the possible readers. It makes no sense to write some kkbd of basic study material for a world wide audience, if other peoöle dl not take it as gheir task in common sense lije ways to place each text at least roughly to the right classification in their own communication. So some texts are left u recommended, and some might belobg to some link lusts, and some might need some clarification of who wanted to tead what and which texts suited them how, and were some texts too much reading or not interesting or ? At least the first Christmas gnome skills blog has had many views, and likewise my blig about my books has had quite many views.
Books about Christmas elves, and about Christmas gnomes
I made at a search "books about Christmas elves", and it brought in the first rows these books:
I also searched for "books about Christmas gnomes" :
I guess a Christmas elf is often agile and young, while a Christmas gnome is often more unmoving and like the elderly. But in Finnish language there is just one word: "tonttu" or "joulutonttu".
Christmas gnomes/ elves and nature
I have tried to write on an as general level as possible advices for skills useful for living a Christmas gnome/elf like life in the modern world, in world-widely possible ways. In the Finnish tradition the four seasons and nature are important and to the Christmas gnome/elf skills subject local nature brings a touch of ages old life according to the human and animal etc nature. Such also gives strenght and charm, integrity and may teach talents and virtues often liked kn tales and which all fit the individual to be a part of the society and of the world. So having a nature contact and some nature around, ought to be an important part of the charm and integrity of the tale figure, creating such life a place in the world, similarly to other people's versions of following these Christmas gnome/elf skills advices of mine. Like for example walking in different kinds of weathers different kinds of nature spots may charm different types of individuals.
(Pictures from Parikkala near Savonlinna, where some industrial transport demanded a wider road. It is a pity, since in Finland trees grow new branches only to the very top of the tree if the tree still grows new branches at all. )
"You belong to the lousiest classification" - "yes, I do not"
In the news today there as an article about the need to repair the bridge over Tenniö river in Lappland in the same county as Korvatunturi where Santa Claus lives. The name of the river is problematic: it brings tge association "you belong to the lousiest classification" which seems problematic both in trying to repair the bridge and in living there. The kid seemed to have a good ans wer to it "yes, I am not since I am just young and so a beginner in many things".
If people have different skill levels or goals, it often helps to rely on the basic school education and on the ages old nature of humans by looking at growing trees while one thinks and so seeing that things can go in many ways and not just square, and so there are often some kind of answers to how to arrange things.
But the same problem seems to be with Lappland at large: living in an desert of snow or almost, where most animals and plants cannot flourish, many even not stay alive. So the Santa Claus giving gifts is one answer to such: people with high skills could maybe often be seen as useful in such ways, and so demanding places with the nature dominating maybe produce something of worth, noteworthy in the world. That is different from living in a build environment without respect for nature.
* * *
In another piece of news from today there is about a claimed killing of a 15 years old teen girl or a young woman last spring but the pictures of the case have seened to bring mostly info about the seasons of the nature at Valkeakoski.
Today there was a picture of memorual candles, of which the text "Rest in peace little angel", brought to my mind an imoression of an older male nurse having written it "for a maybe handicapped male patient to rest peacefully in a hospital bed, but also to understand that one must try one's very best even like a little angel, since so hardships can teach something kn lufe, while without trying one's very best healthily and responsibly in the world, one maybe causes only failures and harm, disasters".
In the news there was also an article of mistreated cows found on some farm. But looking at the cows, the head forms resembling a person reading a religious text and wondering how it goes. Is the cow keeping company to such and the uncleaned floor resembles the care professions: kind of soft and clise but not as good for health as it claims, especially not in the long run. Or was the cow such a person in one's previous lives? And are the partly black cows devil like, walking over the righrs of others?
In the news there was a picture of sledge dogs found from Utsjoki at northmost Finland, which were claimed to have old wounds, but those look like longing for the ice, and I remember seeing something like them as a child when I had dixficulties with the summer heat and did not find it easy to accept the lazy vomitting disease like summer atmosphere impressions, which were my father's view of nice summer grass areas etc. Later I have valued plant species professionals' guidebooks' pictures of plant species with their beauty, charachteristical miljos and the atmospheres of those living environments and how such vary to the neighbouring plants or flowers of the same species. So it is nice and meankngful, so I guess that flowers in flowers pots have their impirtant place in teaching how flowers are beautiful and the summer nice.
In the other picture there is a Neanderthalian person, of a human related race which went extinct thousands or tens of thousands of years ago. Or is it the new species variant: the midern days' shopkeeper.
For the lonely
Those who feel lonely, usually have such an atmosphere around. If someone is alone but does not have a lonely dissatisfied atmosphere, maybe she/he isn't feeling lonely.
I do not know, but the lonely maybe would like to have something to read: pick a good healthy leaf (with a complex fascinating structure when one looks at it detailedly) from outdoors somewhere where there are lots of such, and give that to the lonely one to read like a magazine.
Of who does what and handiworks
I was left thinking that care professions maybe relate with those wvose lack of understanding and wisdom of lufe, whose irrationality and lack of moral lead people to think that such wisdom as of the care professions is needed there, and whise oen views suppirt just sjch jobs. On the other hand I tend to ve concentrated on keeping up basic rationality, civiluced valyes, good ways of doing, wusdom of lufe and pissibility arts, religiln, etc, so that leads people to tjinkkng of the possibilitues for high positions, some fine handuworks or arts, high skills, etc. And so I am kind of robbed away basic possibilitues in life, even though I was jyst keeping up such basic things in my lufe, not doing anything fine.
But if I woukd do handiworks, those woukd in style be in a quite general level and with some nature decoratiln and atmospgeric too, but without any position like thkngs like work position since I do not have endurancy for such work. And social pisitiln I only have for thinking, wishkng well in the world and wisdom of lufe, etc, for the things I have skills, values, likings, ebdurancy, motivation for. And for others too this old (53 years) it is often so that they do not change to the professions of others, since the human types are so different and totally outside one's endurancy.
I easily come to tjink that I could write advices to others about how to get some fine quality to their handiworks etc, but I have already writren some 10 000 advices on a very feneral level fir a world wide audience, about interesting subjects like gaining position, learnkng talents, wisdom of life, wisdom of following feelings, easy healing, solving world's problems, love and harmony, etc. A large part of these advices are in English and they can mostly be read as separate from the other advices, even though it woukd be goid to have an internet forum (for example ) where to ask if some piece of advuces seems to need some other knfo, where to find such, egc.
In Espoo 2022:
Earlier in Savonlinna:
The Savonlinna Opera Festival and the Eurovision Song Contest in tv clearly lifted the level of magnifience compared with. In addition Savonlinna district is specialised to orofessions etc in the direction of artistic handiworks, while in the capital district live also some who moved to a big town area because they were fed up with artistic handiworks etc.
But of course magnifient looks do not need to be the goal, if you do not feel it natural for you. Good for a certain purpose, for example fitting to certain areas of life, is a good goal. Emotionally motivated goals like magnifient looks work usually only when the artist or handiwork maker oneself finds such things emotionally very fascinating and meaningful in lufe and in the world. So that is reflected in the ways of doing and in the quality criterions reached for in common sense like ways.
Wednesday, 18 September 2024
A new nature recreation area seems great also on film
In the news it was told of a new or partly new nature recreation area in Rovaniemi in the Finnish Lappland, quite near the Santa Claus Village there. I did not understand the nature recreatiln area. It reminded me of seeing someone advicing others to walk slowly and kind of roundly, when some other wanderer sees such as bunches of raw beefs (which was somebody's view of some royal courts of history, I do not kniw where). So it makes no sense to walk so easy, kind of like a balloon. Ibstead one ought to wish well for the world, so that one has many things fairly well at the same time, and rely on the ages old healthy natural ways of living and school-taught civiluced wisdom to be somewgat alive, to learn a lot from the veauty of nature.
But the film in the piece of news sppeared great to have as a show in the Santa Claus Village or some other tourist site of the local charm. So good that such an idea might work well also abroad for their local nature sites' beauty and charm.
* * *
Another fine video, this one from southern Finland: a walk in Kotka Langinkoski imperial fishing lodge
I think these kinds of places need to be visited when liking such a charm, admiring such. So a local tourist attraction with such a film too would be better than just somewhere like tv, even though I once saw in Helsinki a nicely kept apartment with a big sheet like tv showing films really fine, and a sofa and some chair nicely by it, and it appeared a good idea if one wants such at home.
Song Tonttuparaati Christmas gnomes / elves parade (Finnish words in the video description) this translation of mine has some lacks and mistakes in it's wording:
"In where the Christmas gnomes live
It is the custom once a year
When the busy Christmas preparations so allow
To fuss, to run in circles,
The Christmas gnomes /elves group rides
Santa Claus check: the row of Christmas gnlme / elf beards is straight and white,
It is already the time to hurry
To pack the sledges.
It is already time to hurry, it is already time to hurry,
One by one, or in pairs, heijaa over the snow
If you want to learn one useful skill (or in fact two sets of advices in one blog post of quite ordinary lenght) to make your life and the world much better, please read
Ode to joy, the anthem of the European Union
My book & book series "Of walking in beauty" (Please read the free sample)
Finland's national anthem (also English lyrics in the video info) and two old Finnish military marches in the yearly Christmas Eve declaration of Christmas peace in Turku in southwestern Finland
"Under the old pines wander in pair row sioldiers disappearing tyo fog. Now already gone." The last part is different ins tyle and not so exåpressive, so that one could just leave it away.
Here is it with the English lyrics:
12th of January 2020
This first "song" (melody + lyrics) of mine made me feel both ways. On the other hand I am proud of having produced such On the other hand what the melody and words come from is what the weather and trees were like and what kind of impression they gave, and only a little bit is my own view of how to approach it. So I do not understand why the song would be mine if it isn't my typical subject or typical thoughts, typucal state of mind. But on the other hand i have written a lot and in that too the subject determines a lot, so maybe likewise one cannot make a song of any subject whatsoever one happens to be interested in, but instead needs to listent o the likings and interests f others too. Like, I feel that this piece could bring some fracrturelessness to where it is much needed in the world.
24th January 2020 "Of learning from the nature, please read this:
"I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different."" "
26th of January 2020 Pople can learn this way of learning from trees if TV weather report has (sometimes?) such pictures of trees etc when they tell of such weathers. And likewise in other things if there are good pictures of such in documentaries telling about the same things.
A fine video from North Korea
I watched maybe a half an hour of the beginning of the video , and I have the impressiln of seeing something such in school kn the 1980's, and I guess it was tens of years old even then? It brings into mind very northern mountains or hill and especiaöly the nordic ice cap, i.e. arctic ice, but I do not know if anyone luves there. Some eskimo guns (not in this video, it was in some news of video of Canada or something like that) jyst give an impression of all the more southern lazying too much to understand life and skills. But some of the pictures seemed to be from South-East Asia where neat rational seemed to work better than sloppy. The fine styles of Asian letters impressed, especially tge styles comoaring with the wisdom of trees.
Of softening collisions in a tourist town
When I lived kn Savonlinna, which was an arts oriented countryside town with lots of tourists, in the same house lived a slmewhat fat nice kind of arts oriented man from maybe Pakistan, Greece or some such southern area, and his name was slmething lije "lost nose because of math", and he seemed to have some dangerous but nice pet animal and visitors from maybe Poland or maybe female mathematicians. So he was kind of a bridge between tech or math and the fine arts, countryside, tourism, meeting fascinating elderly people and different cultures, also local lufe and religiln maybe. And when he no longer lived there, it that the reason why there came some people kibd of critical toward such ways of livkng or art or elderly's skill level, and at some point I too was forced to move away, even tjough I had liked living there a lot.
So maybe such bridges are needed in tourist places. Without enough communucatiln and teaching the newcomers, there is no point in living in a small specialised place in another country.
Tuesday, 17 September 2024
Of being an author of books or blogs
" Being an author of books does not bring a shared view to life with readers. Instead the readers remember also nice snd interesting skills or thoughts as just some text about that subject, remember the ideas in the text, instead of comparing it with their own lives, or at least not with their own life experience. My text was just somebody else's experiences and thoughts about them, at some other time and place, at leadt in a different weather, different lufe circumstancies. And so being an author is not like talking about those things, instead it is much like being mistaken for a booklet, which is so far from being treated just right, that such a pisition does not seem worth reaching for. So I have sometimes wondered, shoukd texts and other produced things be with some other name, would lufe be easier then? But one needs the position of understanding those thkngs better than mist others. Otherwuse there is too little room for lufe for the author.
From my blog
Money in a way exists and in a way not
I do not know so much of banks or money. It seems outside my means to cope with situations to be a person on the way kn a bank robbery or bank robbery preparations.
My impression is that slme have overly too much money, like for example one with normal salary moved to somewhere in the tropics where lufe demands very luttle incomes. On the other hand for quite many it jyst is so that there is not enough money, so things get quite steained, partly because there are so many people without enough money compared with what they planned as young, and partly because some places are expensive to live in and yet the skill levels of the mocals do not produce so good wuality that things woukd wotk out nicely.
Generally it oucht to ve quite ok to live with the normal income typical where obe lives if one is diligent and skilled at least ss much as their, and wishes well kn the world, has some common sense and wusdom of life. But with much higher income one ought to kniw where the money goes, like suppirting certain areas of life, or hobbies of the younger generatiln there, etc. So one should have enough eye and understanding for such, or the system goes ashtray in the long run. Likewise one should understand, what is good in the society and support such.
In case of stealing, it matters to whom and to which kinds of purpises and what money goes. Especially so it is in the case of a robberh. In a robbery there either is some big need which needs to be met but also elsewhere is ok, or then the person just likes the idea of big money, in which case there maybe is no religion backing it up, but it may rhyme with some professilns and can I guess often ve at leadt partly be guided to studies and future work in such professions. The general opiniln is that superföuis money can better be stolen than vasic needed arrangements' money suppirt. So sometimes robbers join together with those with unmet needs and may cause such, and would in fact maybe want advices in succeeding in buying (choose according to colour symbolics, buy only one kind of thkng at a time, it may have a whole way of lufe told init, for examole cookues plus tea, choose like shop seems to advice) or basic understanding of how to live in a society - maybe my Christmas gnome skilks advices, see .
When I lived in Savonlinna and had a car, one of the main banks of that countryside town moved to a smaller office due to bank having moved largely to the internet and otherwise electrical. I once drove on the new road a little bit north of the former bank and noticed a packet car coming from a tunnel on the south side in the direction of the bank. It gave an impression of moving stolen bank reserve once or a few times a week for a half a year to three years one packet car at a time maybe stolen cash or gold or some precious things. Which made me wonder because it was a small town specialised in arts, so most people maybe had not much income at all. Or then it was just an advertisement trick for quite local handiworks, partly artistic handiworks and kind of countryside town shops? like handiworks, which I guess can be very impressive.
But with this observation there is of course the hot-potato-in-mouth phenomenom that in the British detective stories was a typical reason for murder: you have to get rid of as soon as possible, but in commln dense like ways and thinking of the future too and fairly of others too, of the situation that you are the only person of knowing of such observation and maybe tell it later to others if not murdered at once, so I maybe informed the police of it, but in very big questions it is of course different from one murder: you have to count of wise civiliced values in the wide world, follow such with good quality all the time and have common sense and wisdom of life backing it up, life experience too is needed, and try to see how groups go so ok in the large scale.
Reading a lot???
The tiny bits in the video (made by artificial intelligence) look like papers or bunches of papers read by th US president in connection with his work. Of my God, how much did he read?
* * *
If you would like to read just one useful quite short text that would spare you lots of work in the future, read
This pictue of floods in Poland in eastern Europe, brought to my mind the song "Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree".
Of personal likings and insight
In eastern Finland there is a county called Kainuu and in it a town called Kajaani. It used to have an impirtant Finnish cultural wisdom associated with it, but I guess that psycholigists or some peopke not folliwing Finnish values did not understand it, and so it got largely rukned and removed in practice.
The question "Ooksä vähän kajahtunut?" means something like "Are you a little bit mistaken in being so enthusiastic about that kind of thing?", which is typically a question between family members or friends or pals, when one is enthusiastic about something which does not interest the others and which is often a quite narrow area of life like some profession for example. So it is and has been a way for people to find a dream job, a job that they would be suited to, by finding several such interesting hobbies that one could do endlessly, or very much anyway. So it demands allowing showing feelings also when doing something and allowing hobbies that one likes, and it demands wisdom of life from the environment too to see how such industrousness stays on nonharmful tracks in the society and in social relations. And across time the person finds other people interested in similar jobs, knowing what jobs such could be, but not all of them become jobs. But it also demands explaining why such things are nice in their own way, somewhat like endless curving paths with always new fine things found, well suited for an individual liking such.
I guess the charm is something like having heard some music sung really fine, the imoression left strongly especially in some family members' minds and they maybe sometimes singing a part of such song, like fine to learn opera or whatever, but it is just certain types of music and certain performances, kind of at right times in people's lives that are such, and not the same to all. So the question is something like "Did you experience that thing as fine like a song sung out loud, just emotionally motivated fine at that moment, echoing from the cliffs around?"
Monday, 16 September 2024
Of big capacity people
" I was surprised when I looked at a picture of a video of people sentenced to death in different countries, which was in my video recommendations today. The prisoners looked much like me kn thdir style. I wondered if they relued on someone with emotional inteelgence or were they themselves emotionally wise kn such ways? So I watched the video and most of the people sentenced to death looked sonewhat my style in the videos. I wondered were they Buddhists or people maybe suitkng to be farmers, or journalusts, or had the lands been conquered and killed and ghey as peaceful wise responsible emotilnally wise peopke were the last left, or like the girdt guess did jyst some need forefigures in how to meet death with wisdom of lufe, or did they falsely suppise that wise peopke do not defend their country or beautiful values of good lufe for all fairly niw and in the future and wise tactics in the world, or did they want to kniw if lufe after death is pissible, or did they want to inform those good at staying alive and well that lufe after dwath exists, or did these/the past engineering oriented times feel aluenated from social classification of being a wise feeling living bring and so the only place legt for such was under the possible danger of death?
My life has loojed such. Many people around seem to have dedicated a large part of their lives to murders by lying and acting. Often such looks like they would prefer some other way of lufe, for examole tropics or some other country, profession or type of place. Often they long for some other culture's ways but do not move there and I do not kniw why.
I think that often all people are diffetent from each other and that is often making lufe lighter, when peopke around xarry some things and on the other hand you get room for jyst your type of things, because they lije slmebidy caring such for them. So being different ought not cause clnglucts. But it of course matters what values are folliwed in the society and in the world, what kind of society is so buikd. Just mentioning a valye is nit enough. Beautiful values ought to be folliwed in all social contacts, claims etc. Otherwuse tge world becomes worse jyst when technolihy started to be advanced enough to alliw user-friendlibdss features and all people having basic civiluced pictures of the world.
From my blog
A video of the former Arab leader of Irak Saddam Hussein (1937-2006) receiving death sentence
Where these Christmas gnome/elf skills texts are read
I do not know for sure, but I have the impression that these Christmas gnome / elf skills texts are read all over the world and also in space. Please comment.
You can find the first text at ,
At there is a link via which you can find the (interesting) back cover texts of the books,
And at there are free downloads and blog links to both the earluer and the later books too.
To stomach pains helps music and nature elements at home
To stomach pains helps often to listen to beautiful music of goid quality lije is recommended, when one likes such music, nice music is the point.
In additiln home and the indoors environment shoukd be nice for living: nice curtains, a nice colour carpet, maybe flowers on a window, music from the radio, and nice furniture. But it is not enough that one oneself feels well. Also the öossible muce, other animals and people in one's lufe circles need to feel comfortable enough, even if they jydt get a glimpse of yoyr home. Animals need maybe some pets' dry grasses or that there is jyst in case some left over Christmas cookues biscuirs or the like available, also something soft nice warm to lue on, and prooably some nature decoratiln objects, even if they do not live there. And humans in the environment might need not overly square tables and other envuronment, dince such makes your understanding smaller and mire stuck and so that has kess wisdom and less wisdom of life. And smikarly a nice environment makes them too feeö better.
If people generally at some time have stomach pains , it ought to help to be independent individuals, wish well for the world and to build one's life and life in the society of pieces according to the healthy natural ages old human and animals (plus plants') nature.
One coukd also try my advice "As if of a naturally healthy family" at
Like one knows of the different weathers, they each demand a different way of living, lijewise different thibgs fone, cultures, cgarscters, motivations, etc are reflected in the body, in ways of moving, in rythms connected with heat regulation and motivation, in blood circukation, in how the body hest is spread in lne's body, etc. If these go wrong, you feel ill and out of order. So it often is a reason for falling ill if you keep too much vomoany to others or if you copy too instincyually instead of via the intellect copy valyes, skills snd pieces of understanding. So in practice, as you maybe have near your own felt picture of your body some social imoressions of what others are doing, what sre thry like, how are thry living and what is the idea in that. For feeling well you have to keep those pictures separate, since often other persons are interested in other continents, other counyrues, climates professions snd types of achievements. It helps to understand also something of those, but to be able to function ok yourself, you will have to notice what is for which envuronment ok and what is good for your own action now, good for this living environment.
Of making home nice, it matters that you woukd live where you like the local attractions, see
Of eating right
In my twenties in the 1990's I liked sports and music from the radio, walks in the nature and read pietry and books of Zen Buddhism plus also Stephen Mitchell's translation of Tao-Te-Ching. I was changing profession from the university to some more practical life and my own lufe choices seemed to work well, make me happier. But my old study pal who had grown up in Vantaa, thought that it was a quest for Buddhist happiness, and he said that some who eat a lit are the happiest. I tried to explain that his image of tge happy fat man eating was essentially of a hubgry person eating ordinary traditional food of the country but on a couse center or the like where the kutchen knew the typical strains of that day and so had the nutrituents etc of the food suited to that. Such us an ordinary traditional parts of Finnush life, not the only highlight of the day. Now tens of years later I think that maybe my own lufe got somehow muxed with that goal of those from Vantaa. So I guess those foods are somehow needed. One must also notice that school abd studies seek to teach good healthy ways of living as parts of the society, so instead of technically going thibgs through luke maybe with pasta as food, the tjoughrs seek to be wise abd of healthy kibd, with clmmln sense and thinkibg wusely of the whole world, of good ways of living, balancedly diffwrent areas of life, veautiful valyes followed diligently which makes lives good and social relatilns rewardi g and fruendly but independent, well fit to the society in wise ways. The food eaten (after havkng been outfoors in autumn or spring weathers) was ordinary warm meat soup (like Lihakeitto by Saarioinen ) of cooked (with lots of water, some oil, salt and maybe some spice) pieces of potatoes, vegetables and meat. Plus a piece of kauraleipä, with butter or margarin upon it. And water or sour milk to drink with the meal.
Sunday, 15 September 2024
Of the cover picture of the book Tontun vuosi which started me writing
I have lately felt that my texts no longer are good enough quality. So the latest book I would have not collected but somehow did so anyway. In the news there are pictures of floods, and I just sat watching them, until I realused that I ought to stop writing, and that thought seemed to open me toward life, yet I still do not get anything do, and do not get any idea of what would be possible for me. Anyway, so I have lately felt like putting my books away to some shelf, but have not quite caught the idea how it could be, since it seems a tpo big change in my life circumstancies. Anyway, what would be left in sight us the Finnish and English versions of the book Tontun buosi, which I read some 6 years ago, I wrote a comment about it to a blog of mine, and when I was it two to three weeks later translated it to English I got stuck to writing about skills making a Christmas gnome / elf like lufe possible in the midern world.
But now the front cover pictyre of the books seems to interest some. As far as I know there is nothing new in it. It is jyst some puppets or some very ill persons by our climate's ordinary midern lufe's standard trying to communicate some ordinary cultural wisdom, but like tales it goes somewhat ashtray too.
Why in the north potatoes instead of wheat
At there is an old video of first snow having come unusually early to Lappland, wheat left partly in the fields, usually falled down and ruined. But potatoes were under the snow in the not-yet-frozen ground, easy and nice to collect. I remember from my youth having taken part in such some year in southern Finland, in our garden in Helsinki. In the video it looked much the same in atmosphere, except more countryside like and more northern, without any atmospheres of cars and city streets.
Many transvestites are maybe mistaken as women
Saturday, 14 September 2024
A new book
I collected from this blog a new book "Of those upon the Earth fighting against those orbiting the Earth : And other texts", but it maybe needs still a new cover picture.
You can find the book at
Or at quite soon, I suppise.
As an ebook at
As paperback book
I have over 75 books
The counter at says tgat I have 76 books or booklets, and in addition I have some, not so many older books or booklets of mine with ghe shorter name "Hannele Tervola", so even though those are mostly parts of my paradise theory collectiln book, I anyway seem to have made a little bit over 75 books or booklets.
Of moving to where one would like to live
Many people are left living quite where they grew up, and don't like it so much but do not seem to get it work to move to a better kind of place.
Often scarcely populated places that feel better for sn individual, suit in a hobby like way, i.e. every now and then instead of full time, since there are too few options there, too little income, too difficult to keep the way of life up without somehow having an interest in school etc.
But major cultural capitals like Paris, and New York, and big towns compared with them are often places that one coukd be interested in and move to. So it seems to be of big famous places and old famous cultures. Of smaller or less famous places one ought to be interested in several such and move to live there when one gets the chance and via that charm of the places and cultures find one's place and ways of living there. So to France, Greece, Italy, etc one coukd move to, but of eastern Europe one maybe ought to say that obe is interested in eastern Eurooe and have a few countrues that one likes there and is interested in their famous places or capitals from their cultural wisdom's, cultural charm's point of view, and woukd move to live there when get the chance. Simikarly the former Yugoslavia may be such an area, or some other group of interesting nations of one's personal liking.
Friday, 13 September 2024
"Fire" : if it is wisely looking fairly for the good of the world and you liked it, Finnish culture thinks you ought to do it again
It is wise to choose what one does according to what is wisely looking for the good of the world, and according to which such things you like. Wisdom of life of Finnish speaking Finns says so!
And my books at , or for free at . My texts are mostly advices about learning talents, skilks and wisdom of life, the advices are on a general level and mostly aimed at a global audience.
Some "LapplandUK" tourist site
I found some video of an "elves village" claimed to be kn Levi in the Finnish Lappland, but it looked British, also the clouds in the sky very foreign, like ships.
So I searched for an "elves village" maybe in Scotland, but found only slme "elven village" which did not seem ok. In the pictures of the page there was dark brown plus maybe cool, which seems best enjoyed in Africa. Even though heavily eaten with cool sounds nice for some, usually it usn't, at least not in Finland. Instead one should eat ordinary healthy local food according to the strains, the needs of the day, and keep one's whole body warm instead of trying to reach for two opposite directilns at the same time. Brown not suiting as an atmosphere in Finland, you could maybe understand by thinkibg of woukd it suit well the refrigerator or even colder?
But thus tourist site had nice wooden walls of unpainted wood or of wood without any new colour tone in the sheltering teansoarent paint layer, so much more atmospheric in the northern way, nearer Finnish, so wiser in the Finnish way I guess, but I do not kniw of it otherwise, see
A soldier and a job or a picture of the world, common sense and wisdom of life
I looked at some picture of young men beginning a military service and wondered why things go so ashtray, do not seem to make sense even militarily. One important thing is that one ought to have first a pictyre of the world with common sense and wisdom of life, and only inside it make sense things like having a job or being a soldier. The point in a country or a group of countries having an army is to defend the country to make lufe well in the country in the future too. So the vasic idea has been to just live on in ordibary ways, so things do not get worse. If there is some problem to defend against, it isn't always the army needed. It can be some other job, like teaching climate skilks for example.
The abiluty to do jyst something harmful isn't a goal. It is the idea of someone without much skills to do slmething and if it goes ashtray and causes destruction, call it an army like strenght for others too to copy. Often only one thing done gets something to work out well, whike all other options do not work out, and coukd be called destruction ir preventing or the like. And so often the unskilled try to oretend having reached a fine army skill by revommending very stuck ways so that one coukd not comoare the different options. Some tens of years ago or even earluer, engineering skills were considered impirtant but thise were so stupud ways to think that such caused problems in the society. So did it happen that wars were transferred to birders where on the oppisite sides of a straight libe the men coukd better think what causes what and what is the idwa in things, how to defend a country or future good lufe at least, fairly for all living beings.
In the news about milutary service there were both some wise well working lije woman starting milutary dervice, and some claimed women centered mostly on loojs and not cultivating things well in the respects that women typically value and have as their valued strenghts, so those were teansvestites or something of the kind. Some men maybe think ghat if real women woukd ve all kilked, there would be no new babies, but it seems that if a man would find home lufe and being with children nice, and nice idea to have a baby in one's stomach, like can happen if some side of lufe is too tough for them, so then they woukd cultivate thibgs well for getting a child in the women's way, so it sounds like pissible for them. My mom used to claim that she did not kniw that she was a woman vefore she got a child, she had considered herself a man, and always was for man like work etc. My fatger was kind of stiff university work oriented nan with weather skills though, while my mom was more technical and oroduced lots of nonsense, lues too, and did not have so healthy ways of livkng.
What Santa can or cannot
12th of September 2024 In ghe news was told of a shooting in Tampere in western Finland, but I did not understand from the video, which town it could have been. In the still picture of the video there stood a little bit Santa Claus like looking man, or is it Christmas gnome like?
If Santa Claus isn't just a department store person, what is he? If one would imagine a Christmas gnome like person walking in town center, one would maybe try to live well in one's own way, a little bit like one who has found from one's own heart things that education often prefers, but one's own versions are one's insight and likings, one's view to the world, motivation and character type. So one wanders and is an example of a way of living a Christmas gnome like life.
But what else is Santa? The still picture with the emergance vehicles near by reminds of many ill people going to Santa, or of many serioys shortcomings like of not being able to bear the wintef, not even to help the wild snimals etc around to bear the winter side of the year, and so one goes in and is depressed, maybe crues and wats something, maybe tries to make things nice by having Christmas. That sounds like not having weather skills, which may be a cobsequence of associating with the ill. But anyway it lacks the basic healthy ways of living. This difference is maybe what causes the school minimumlevel being narked too high to be allowed, which has been my typical problem, especially this century.
Anyway, one can gelp wild animals by telling of other animals, asking tge animal to find out if any kinds of other wild aninals have good ideas of how to spend the wibter, are there different kibds of optiobs and whom they suit? Can one kearn weather skills of living the weathers in ways possible for obeself here, are some places different kn hiw to spend winter, how to luve, in which areas of lufe, like whom. And what are those winter exoeriences like, to which areas of lufe they belobg, us it healthy ways of livkng with the beauty of nature, or is it spiritual, in which ways and when, etc.
Also many wishing for miracle healing come to Santa Claus Lands, and like often with successful miracle healing, quite many get healed but many of such get killed or wounded right afterwards, because such seems to still go unnoticed or not cared about, since people are not yet used to the new situatiln and there are lues and lacks in communication and after thinkkng of dying of serious illness the news of the same person having been killed kknd of produce not so big reaction emotionally, even if someone says that the person got miracle healed first. And some just think that such untrustworthiness does not exist, and some ggat the dead do not suffer, some think that peoole ought nit trust so much and some cannibals got a warm meal, whike like usual criminals having conquered some part of Santa Claus Land claiming to be Christmas gnomes create so much trouble for Santa Claus to keep an eye upon, that past happenings do not get so much time and attentiln. And so it goes even if Santa visits some town center, emergency vehicles all around, who kniws what happened?
14th of September 2024 In the news there was pictures of emergency vehicles after someone stabbed in Helsinki on a long major street out of the town center, some time around midnight. Of such I haven't heard so many times if at all. But the vehickes remind me of the imoression of a fuss around singer education professionals: near by some music and fame connected quite oeaceful looking, but around people cunning to get a career in mysic for themselves or for someone they suppirt. I guess tgat is why the new music house in Helsinki is black in colour. On the other hand, what I have learned of arts, one cannot earn one's luving even partly so, except maybe in teaching music. And if one wants to make music for free, just because of liking mysic, there is the possibiluty to maje music to the internet, for example to , but for people to like the music, it maybe ought to be oerformed by their own group, for example by people liking the same prifessions. So I do nit quite undersrabd why there would ve so much comoetition. Besides, it is not beneficial to be in publucity if people dislike you and attack, or by some means or because big audience the performer us claimed to ve you but is some fake or some other nationality, some other type of oerson with other skilks, valyes, socisl ways, etc, or several such hapoen. So for one to get room in lufe, one ought to find en envuronment that obe fits in, instead of trying to dominate over the world like trying to get obeself heard or admired.
Continued at the next blog
The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog
I have written a lot about the rationality of feelings, and continued with advices about wisdom of life and about learning talents and skil...
The number symbomics seem to refer to 7, so I started a new blog
I got in post some books of mine, but "Wine like fascination in life" and "Traditional skills have a place in the modern wor...