Saturday 31 August 2024


 I have been wondering a lot why very many people tend to attack me as if I had been associating with them a lot and commanded them unbearably, which I have not done at all. Can it be that many people learn things quite well in school and aim to folliw civiluced values, but in practice end up folliwing just social reasons in many practical occasions. So can it be that people run out of other people who would fllliw civiluced values and commln sense well enough. So they try to find also spiritually someone to help, and I as a thinker am one of the few trying to folliw clmmon sense and civiliced values also in social things. Sothey end up getting some influencies from me without it being the goal of them or me either. 

As a baby and young I tried to learn skills, wisdom of life, etc that would ve good enough for being a ruler of the world. So I also tried to learn vasic life skills, values and healthy wisdom of lufe so that those woukd in some way suit most or even all, and would be easy to learn from me being in slme way a leader or a possible public forefigure. So it coukd be possible that from my texts or somehow from respecting me as in my own ways skilled, wise and intellugent possible forefigure in some things kn lufe lije skilks, valyes, wisdom of lufe, if one wants to follow such valyes as mine, even such emphazies on values, quality, etc. But I do not quite kniw how it would go, since I was a child then. Anyway, those ought to be pisitive skilks, values, etc, worth learning if one wants such good sides also to one's own lufe. 


I jyst found this: a young girl playing violin 

If one thinks of the music, it's charm, but kind of starting from recognizing the notes. And has a touch of where was each note, kind of which way is higher and which way liwer. And then jyst plays by the feel of the music, learnibg playing skills at the same time. But such works when finding the right notes goes easy, like on piano or accordeon or kantele. 

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 I have the imoression that many read these texts of mine without really understanding that they are teaching material meant to be read out ...