Saturday 31 August 2024

Fine looking nature

 I found a video of a crow on an ant hill . The video says it is in Sweden but it must be quite at the height of Finland, since I remember from the wilderness guide course we having gone to quite remote untravelled corner of the Nuuksio national park, and there was nothing special but peaceful almost jntouched nature. And there was an ant hill that was not overly big but kind of peaceful too, symmetrical somewhat like some church type of building or between such and ordinary buikdings of everyday life. And I was kind of impressed by it, since I often felt disturbed by too much square forms and people going recklessly without it seeming to have any idea of the wisdom of the environment. Some time later someone, was it the dogs I later had, told be that someone had put down that fine ant pile by sweeping over it by a flat piece of wood. I did not quite understand why even the wild nature would not be left in peace to build kibd of fine basic structures of the nature. Such must be slmehow a part of the basic ground for lufe, basic skills of building, refected also in the building skills of the ant hills of the town's forest patches etc. Someone then years ago there mentilned gnomes, but I did not understand what story figures woukd have any such healthy basic lufe as the wild animals and plants in the nature need. Living in a quite remore place is different from having somehow skills to maintain such fracturelessness of nature where there are humans too. 

Today and once earlier too this summer season, there was music at , even though it is only a Christmas radio. Have I visited the page too many times because of writing these texts about Christmas gnlme like life? 

Like the wise need peace for fine detailed atmospheric work of impirtance, likewise wise ants may want to live in peace, without it being any gnome like deed. 

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