Saturday 31 August 2024


 I have been wondering a lot why very many people tend to attack me as if I had been associating with them a lot and commanded them unbearably, which I have not done at all. Can it be that many people learn things quite well in school and aim to folliw civiluced values, but in practice end up folliwing just social reasons in many practical occasions. So can it be that people run out of other people who would fllliw civiluced values and commln sense well enough. So they try to find also spiritually someone to help, and I as a thinker am one of the few trying to folliw clmmon sense and civiliced values also in social things. Sothey end up getting some influencies from me without it being the goal of them or me either. 

As a baby and young I tried to learn skills, wisdom of life, etc that would ve good enough for being a ruler of the world. So I also tried to learn vasic life skills, values and healthy wisdom of lufe so that those woukd in some way suit most or even all, and would be easy to learn from me being in slme way a leader or a possible public forefigure. So it coukd be possible that from my texts or somehow from respecting me as in my own ways skilled, wise and intellugent possible forefigure in some things kn lufe lije skilks, valyes, wisdom of lufe, if one wants to follow such valyes as mine, even such emphazies on values, quality, etc. But I do not quite kniw how it would go, since I was a child then. Anyway, those ought to be pisitive skilks, values, etc, worth learning if one wants such good sides also to one's own lufe. 


I jyst found this: a young girl playing violin 

If one thinks of the music, it's charm, but kind of starting from recognizing the notes. And has a touch of where was each note, kind of which way is higher and which way liwer. And then jyst plays by the feel of the music, learnibg playing skills at the same time. But such works when finding the right notes goes easy, like on piano or accordeon or kantele. 

Fine looking nature

 I found a video of a crow on an ant hill . The video says it is in Sweden but it must be quite at the height of Finland, since I remember from the wilderness guide course we having gone to quite remote untravelled corner of the Nuuksio national park, and there was nothing special but peaceful almost jntouched nature. And there was an ant hill that was not overly big but kind of peaceful too, symmetrical somewhat like some church type of building or between such and ordinary buikdings of everyday life. And I was kind of impressed by it, since I often felt disturbed by too much square forms and people going recklessly without it seeming to have any idea of the wisdom of the environment. Some time later someone, was it the dogs I later had, told be that someone had put down that fine ant pile by sweeping over it by a flat piece of wood. I did not quite understand why even the wild nature would not be left in peace to build kibd of fine basic structures of the nature. Such must be slmehow a part of the basic ground for lufe, basic skills of building, refected also in the building skills of the ant hills of the town's forest patches etc. Someone then years ago there mentilned gnomes, but I did not understand what story figures woukd have any such healthy basic lufe as the wild animals and plants in the nature need. Living in a quite remore place is different from having somehow skills to maintain such fracturelessness of nature where there are humans too. 

Today and once earlier too this summer season, there was music at , even though it is only a Christmas radio. Have I visited the page too many times because of writing these texts about Christmas gnlme like life? 

Like the wise need peace for fine detailed atmospheric work of impirtance, likewise wise ants may want to live in peace, without it being any gnome like deed. 

Sibelius monument

 " As far as I understand it is like the feel of nature, like wind by forest's side having a different strenght at each place, a different atmosphere at different distancies and when looking in different directions, so those tell some ages old wisdom of nature connected with living the four seasons there, and so the Sibelius monument seeks to be a wise view of nature's wisdom as a panorama of music, like one can undersrand different oarts of the landscape singing, like a stream, trees near by, wind, weather, character traits suited to living there, etc. "

If one would think of how to compose of such abroad somewhere where there is nature and the weathers impressive, I guess one would have (to go outdoors!) to look at a landscape with trees, and search for the wisdom of the trees of how to atmospherically live the weathers, and search for many such views of how to live the near by weathers of these few days, and what about these months and some views of the other seasons, and of landscapes like this county etc, and how would a squirrel live them out in the nature, and what about the little singing birds how would they live the weathers and the seasons in the nature, and plants etc, and is there some well carrying wise healthy kind of atmospheric beauty typical to that area, to also the human life there, and is there some ages old advice of how to find nature, moments to admire it outdoors, live in the middle of the weathers, branches waving in the wind, etc in everyday life. 

Finland exporting Christmas gnome skills

 In the book "Suomen kansan tonttuaarre" about Finnish gnomes/elves, it was told that Fknnish gnomes/elves moved to foreign countries all over the world, because those were so much lijed and wanted there, and so Finland was left with very little or almost no gnomes/elves at all. But I was left wondering, wouldn't the foreign coubtries want their own tyoes of gnomes/elves etc? And so the knterest in Christmas gnomes/elves, would bring interest in such cultural skklls, like for example these books of mine, see or . Without need to steal Finnish things abroad. 

"Of hair colour and of soulwandering"

 "  I somehow remembered today a video of a white poodle bitten by a pet parrot of the same family. It was as if harlequin poodle of bright red and white, and in a later video clip it was a harlequin of somewhat apricot brown and white. I used to hsve an apricot poodle but it was always the same colour, and it seemed to change the shade of the brown by some olis entering the hairs of it's fur. For example in the Easter it was Easter kind of apricot style, and in the Eve of 1st of May and 1st of May it was of a shade suited to that celebration. Extra effects like pueces of undergrowth plants in coat were pissible also with the gelp of mice. So I do not quite understand how brown could have been old blood. 

Peopke sometimes have red hair. White hair seems to be a cobsequence of maning present or some other like that culyivating things well for tge younger generatilns rtc in the society, that as a major factor in life, kind of asked for a lot, person feeling it needed, considering it good somehow. Likewise I guess peopke with red hair tend to think that they need to keep in sight things according to wisdom of lufe according yo positive feelings, kinds of as if selling something nice cheap for the teens or wearing nice hobby like clothes, or singing sometimes because others ask for such. Such keeping positive things in sight for others seems to cause red maybe curly/wavy hair. Likewise wishing for music performace, like a small concert, and gaving such a hobby, kibd of tending to bring such to others seems to cause yelliwish brown or light yellowish orange hair, maybe wavy. My own hair which used to be light briwn, seems to get such a coloyr from wanting to start moving, go out, wander there, have sports, weathers and nature, practical chores of old times woukd be nice too. 

Thinking of my apricot poodle which died over three years ago spring 2021, I valyed it's objective thinking ability's intellugence and it's wise ways, safeguarding things well in the world, and it's caring character. Today it somehow came to my mind that vua soulwandering it woukd have been in the next lufe a somewhat parrot or haikara looking big white bird with a somewhat curved big peak like it's exact wise thoughts, and big white wings like sheltering feathers of caring for the world and other beings wisely. Which brought to my mind, woukd a shopkeeper then in next lufe be a shoebill stork bird? 

A picture of a song performance: light brown but yellowish hair   (4th of September 2024   I guess the song aims at describing some clishee like impression of Eurovision songs being played in tv, kind of distant, kind of charm for a moment and then attention turning away, maybe in some way somewhat a spring like thing instead of separate songs being recognised. But I guess such is some motivation for Eurovision and not the ordinary impressions. )  

Another video"top 3 male gymnasts of all time" 

A video : "Foxes chatting" 

The (quite nonsporty) dogs that I used to have

Video: "Sattuma "Minä muistan ikuisesti" " (i.e. "I will temember forever" by "by change") 

"Has it been raining snow, or has there been night frost, since your footstep tracks were not seen under my window. I will remember forever that lovely evening, when you pressed against my chest your dark curly hair. ..." 

A video "K'NAAN Wavin' Flag" 

A song video "Vladimir Vysotski - He's not back from war" 

Hair always dyed light? A video "Shakira - Waka waka - This time for Africa 

If someone is ill and away from work or studies that day or a few days, because of vomitting or having a flu, and is mostly in bed so that somebody else needs to go to shop or help in some chores. Then typically the one who is ill, is relieved of seeing a healthy active person. And such reluef of oneself too being able to almost take part in putting bought foods to refrigerator or to table etc, resembles how care professionals are said to be good to others. And if such a situation of being tgat much ill would continue for a long time, the ill person who has barely risen to one's feet would maybe think if he/she coukd get some work of such, kind of as ill with a poor dizzy head think, oh I would do tvis and that and that's it, that woukd be enough for me work and I would be a honoured care professional. Similarly emphazis on social relations and on keeping company is often harmful to the environment, like the company of an ill person is, and ought not dominate socially etc, even tjough it is often demanded like as if it were the best thing for the world. 

Of recovering skills for all countries, types of people, etc  see . To answer the question, why would here in the north be such skklls for all countries, it is where of the group all are interested in having such skills, and not in anything else, not in anything that would lead to illnesses, dim head, etc, and so they should be inclined toward a varied life of high skills and have an academical type of interest in having fact discussions content in chatting too, with good will toward the world and each one going one's individual roads. 


Continuing from

 Continuing my lobg lobg text about tge skills, talents, wisdom of life etc for a Christmas gnlme / elf like life in the modern world. 

In writing tge subject seemed to bring to my mind thst some were interested in what woukd be in blog 6., so I thought I would copy the yesterday's blig post tl this new blog. 

The Christmas gnome subject starts from .

If you like my texts, please recommend them according to what is for good in the world

 I have the imoression that many read these texts of mine without really understanding that they are teaching material meant to be read out ...